Tag: farmlife

Simple Stewardship: A Trust to Keep
In the times we live in, a little simple stewardship goes a long way. We hear a lot about not overusing our resources in the media which is important. But what about reusing what we already have? The sticker shock of inflation has everyone reeling in the check-out line. Instead…

Cultivate a Mindset of Joyful Abundance
As the dog days of summer wane into early fall, my initial enthusiasm for the vegetable garden is beginning to lag. I’ve planted, hoed, weeded, and harvested until I have little energy and no creativity left. Every year it’s the same. I typically end up with a surplus of vegetables–especially…

Change is Never Easy
Nearly two years have passed since my husband and I made the decision to move out of state from our Indiana home. We both love the Smokey Mountains and the time seemed right to take a leap of faith. In July 2021, we purchased our dream farm in East Tennessee.…

What Good Are Fences Anyway?
When we moved to our mountain farm in Tennessee, a multitude of fences zigzagged across our property. Most of the posts and rails were still sturdy but a good number were shaky, at best, or simply falling down. My husband and I questioned why some of the fencing was even…

What is the Measure of Success?
Over this past weekend, my husband and I spent a considerable amount of time digging around in the mud. We were attempting to replace a broken stock tank in order to divert water from the natural spring which runs down the mountain behind our home. Between the tremendous amount of…
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Time for Rest and Renewal on Lazy Bee Farm
Seasons change and so does life on Lazy Bee Farm. Winter is a time for rest and renewal as animals hibernate and trees lie dormant awaiting the break of spring. All of creation moves in cycles according to ordered rhythms of life. Out here on the farm, we depend on…
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Life on Lazy Bee Farm: A Little Bit of Heaven
So, my husband Tim, thinks I need to lighten up my blog topics a bit. He complains my writing is much too serious. Honestly, it’s difficult to avoid sober-mindedness with all the challenges we’ve experienced this year. But, not everything is dark and gloomy. Life on Lazy Bee Farm remains…