Seeking Out and Sustaining a Healthy Dose of Awe
When was the last time a life experience instilled in you a healthy dose of awe? If you’re like me, either mundane tasks or sensationalized information overload compose most of your day. It’s no surprise we’re left wrung out and weary by the end of the week. We resort to…

A Reflection of His Glory
I’ve heard it said that we Christians should be like the moon in that it doesn’t emit light of its own but reflects the light of the sun. Similar to a face in a mirror—we are not God but a reflection of his glory. What light we carry in us is from…

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Love: The Other Four-Letter Word
In the English language, we use the word love to convey a multitude of meanings. I can say “I love my cup of coffee” and “I love my grandchildren” in the same conversation. Yet the value I place on the objects of my love is completely different. With so much…

A Keeper of Bees (And Other Illusions of Grandeur)
I fancy myself as a keeper of bees. On any given sunny day, you may see me in my protective gear with veil heading to the bee yard to care for my hives. Inspecting the frames. Feeding the bees. Treating for mites. Putting on additional boxes. My duties vary depending…

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Looking for Something More in the New Year
Are you looking for something more in the new year? I think most of us are in one way or another. This past year has been a rough one both personally and globally for many. I can’t say I’m sad to see 2024 go. Between health-related issues and hurricanes, it’s…

When the Christmas Spirit Feels Elusive— Celebrate Anyway
If you’ve noticed that I haven’t written lately or posted much on social media, you would be correct. It feels like I’ve fallen off the face of the earth and I’m just beginning to climb back on. Can you relate? The last few months have been particularly tough for me…

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Thankful for the Little Joys in Life
Thanksgiving is a time for counting our blessings. Most years I tend to focus on the large gifts God has bestowed on me. A warm house. Loving relationships with friends and family. Good health. And the means to earn a living. While these are all fine reasons for gratefulness, it’s…

Disposing of What’s Dead for New Growth to Emerge
This morning, I spent some time dead heading my prolific Christmas Cactus. Disposing of what’s dead for new growth to emerge is a necessary process. As I removed the wilted blossoms, I noticed something interesting. Next to each dead flower a new bud had formed. If I hadn’t removed the…

Everyone Needs Encouragers in Their Life
Everyone needs encouragers in their life. I know I do. Otherwise, when situations don’t turn out the way I anticipated or the road gets tough, I inevitably fall into negativity. The critical voice in my head replays the same old stories from my past sending me into a tailspin. But…

Driving Into the Storm: A Hurricane Story
Driving into the storm wasn’t the smartest decision we’ve ever made—but it was a necessary one. On Friday, September 27th, my husband and I set off early from my daughter’s home in Indianapolis to head south. We’d been up from Tennessee running my mother to doctor’s appointments and visiting with…

Staying In Tune with the Spirit
Our world is full of so much noise, it’s often impossible to listen. A busy work schedule, social media distraction, 24/7 news from around the world, all vie for our attention. How are we to stay in tune with the Spirit if a constant barrage of static interferes with our…

Give Me Some Good Old-Fashioned GRIT
GRIT. It’s not a term I see used much anymore. Perhaps it’s out of vogue to say someone has GRIT. But as I watched again the poignant photos of the firefighters and police rushing into the twin towers on 9/11, I couldn’t help but think. These brave men and women…

Coeurageous—Moved by the Heart to Live and Act Fearlessly
Over six years have passed since the inception of my website, Coeurageous. Much has changed since I penned my first blog post. But yet, much has stayed the same. Anxiety levels have soared since the pandemic and haven’t settled down. Fear is at an all-time high. The need for encouragement…

Never Forget—It’s Not About You
In this life, it’s easy for me to lose sight of my real purpose. This is especially true when I’m recovering from an injury that’s taking much longer to heal than I ever anticipated. My mood tends to go to dark places and I begin to question whether the goals…
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