Comments Off on Change is on the Way

Change is on the Way

Winter in the Midwest can be brutal. By this time in the season, those of us living here are in survival mode. We bundle up in layers of clothes, scrape our cars while they warm up and then pray that we don’t slide off the road or flatten a tire…
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Start Small but Dream Big

Twenty-five years ago in an adult Sunday School class at Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, an idea was born. There was a need for health care in their inner city Indianapolis neighborhood. Out of this need, a few people dreamed of starting a clinic for the community. They began small with an…
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Unexpected Blessing

Every day God brings us blessings to brighten our lives. At times He surprises us with a gift we never asked for and never thought we needed. Over the years, as my kids were growing up, we raised a menagerie of animals in our rural Indiana home. Stray dogs and…
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Comments Off on The Practice of Patience

The Practice of Patience

The practice of patience has never been one of my virtues. Anyone who knows me would attest to this. Once I decide on a course of action, I barrel on ahead at top speed, slowing only for the next turn. This works well if the map to the destination is…
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Comments Off on Gem Within the Junk

Gem Within the Junk

Don’t let garbage subdue Grace For every new beginning, there must also be an ending. Old junk needs to be cleaned out before any fresh creation begins. We all intuitively know this. However, instead of going through the necessary purging process, we often forge ahead amidst the mess. Then we…
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Snow Day

Relax, Reflect and Renew. Relish this wonderous gift. Light snow flakes blow in waves across the already brilliant white space between our home and the chicken house. None of the birds have peered out today but I don’t blame them. They huddle together next to their warming light and I…
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Strength for the New Year

The beginning of every year is a time for fresh starts. We set out new goals. Some pick one word to focus on while others make New Year Resolutions for change. We dream of losing weight, running a marathon, finding a new job, or perhaps, writing a book. Statistically, the…
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Comments Off on Love Came Down

Love Came Down

The Gift of Love at Christmas is permanent and priceless. All the presents are open. The festivities are complete. Everyone has returned to their regular routine after the whirlwind of preparation leading up to Christmas. Sometimes the calm after all the craziness leaves me a little melancholy. I enjoy visiting…
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Comments Off on Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

At Christmas time, the promise of "happily ever after" breaks into our reality. Jesus' birth began the great redemption story.
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Comments Off on The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time

Out of all the gifts we give at Christmas, isn’t the gift of time what our hearts long for the most? Too much to do with too little time. This is my life much of the Christmas season. I love preparing for the celebration and choosing gifts for family and…
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Comments Off on Attitude is Everything

Attitude is Everything

I know that it is cliché to say it, but attitude really is everything. How a person thinks determines the success or failure of a day, a year,  or even a life. The good news is that your attitude can change. Even the most ingrained ways of thinking can be…
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Comments Off on The Table is Set

The Table is Set

The holidays are upon us. Doesn’t Thanksgiving seem early this year? The pumpkin pies are done but I still have a ham to bake as well as green bean casserole and sweet potato soufflé to take to my sister’s house. The table is set. We’ll have enough food to feed…
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Solid Ground

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Instant access to news from around the world is both a blessing and a curse. If you’re like me, you wonder sometimes what is real or true. The world seems to have suddenly changed into a crazy place with no solid ground to stand upon…or…
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Comments Off on The Power of One Seed

The Power of One Seed

Seeds are amazing. Within every seed is the genetic material needed to create a whole plant. A single seed in the crevice of a rock with enough soil, sun and rain, can produce a tree that will split the rock as it grows. Little by little, as the roots and…
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Comments Off on Risky Prayer

Risky Prayer

  Prayer, by definition, is an entreaty or petition to God. Many prayers contain thanks or praise for what God has already done, though almost every prayer consists of asking God for something specific. Give us this day our daily bread. Heal my illness. Help me find a job, a…
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