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Life Doesn’t Seem Fair: Finding Hope in Tragedy
Life doesn’t seem fair. Just listen to the news for a short time to confirm the truth of this statement. Every day we see the evidence. Evil tramples good and recklessness harms the innocent. When the young become casualties, it’s particularly painful. My heart mourns with these victims of injustice…
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Childlike Wonder: The Art of Capturing Fireflies
Last evening as I was heading off to bed, I glanced through the kitchen window. Out in our yard hundreds of fire flies illuminated the night sky. As twilight turned to darkness, I watched more emerge. Their gentle flickering lights mesmerized me. I remember with childlike wonder running through the…
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Chosen to Be Free: Blessing and Responsibility
In America, we are chosen to be free. This may sound arrogant but there is a reason we exist. Every time I write a post, I must remind myself not to take this freedom for granted. The majority of people around the world don’t have the liberty to speak or…
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Mission Work: Is it Worth It?
Last night, I slept on the floor of the youth room in a church in Falkville Alabama with 10 other people. Needless to say, this was not my normal Saturday routine. My husband and I are traveling with 3 other adults and 8 youth from our church in Indiana for…
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I Give Myself Permission to Rest
I give myself permission to rest from this rushing race of life. From early morning, I have run around like a crazy woman. It’s time for a break. Even if for a few moments, I own the front porch swing. Here is a quiet place of respite away from the…
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Known By Name
I was the one in grade school that had the name no one knew how to pronounce. Maybe you were that person too. On the first day of school, the teacher called out all the student’s names alphabetically. When she came to my name, there was always a pause. Suzanne…
Open Hands and Open Hearts
As many of you know, I work in an inner-city community health center serving the needy in our neighborhood. My co-workers and I intentionally chose where we work because we are helpers by nature. However, even helpers find it difficult to keep helping if they’re not seeing the results of…
A Time to Remember
Memorial Day is a time to remember. Today we focus our thoughts on those who gave their lives to give us our freedom. Indeed these are dear memories of selflessness and sacrifice. Many fought and never returned home. However, those that did make it back to their loved ones often…
Who Is Your Superhero?
You don’t have to look any further than the movie box office to know that the superhero theme is hot. When people stampede into theatres to get the best seats for the latest film, you know the craze is out of control. But isn’t it human nature to idolize the…
A Little Garden Therapy
The last three months have been rough. I lost a cousin with a brain tumor, then shortly after, found out my sister was diagnosed with a rare type of sarcoma. Her tumor was removed but since the surgery she has dealt with numerous complications. The good news is that she…
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Choose Courage But Pray For Strength
A little over a year ago, I started the (Coeur)ageous website with the intent of offering words of encouragement to a modern culture full of fear and worry. Since 9/11, the level of anxiety in general, has skyrocketed. It’s difficult not to allow the negativity of the news media as…
Burning Hearts
Two friends walked together on a lonely dirt road. The day was hot and dry. Dust filled their sandals as their feet shuffled along. Even so, they didn’t seem to notice this or the fact that sweat poured down their backs. Their thoughts were elsewhere. Usually the seven mile trip…
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Beautiful Feet
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7 NIV When my feet step out upon a mountain trail, I am at home. In the quiet…
It’s Opening Day!
Opening Day is around the corner. All around the ball park, excitement is building. Every child proudly wears their new ball caps and jerseys advertising their team. As predictable as the rain in spring, the month of April harkens in another Little League season. I spent many evenings and week-ends…
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Moving In Synchrony
Has spring arrived yet? As I began writing earlier this week, patches of snow still dotted our yard, holding on to the last vestiges of winter. Nevertheless, the songbirds are returning to Indiana, heralding in the new season. Fat robins and redwing blackbirds are but a few of the newcomers.…