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20/20 Vision

Call me 4 eyes. I’ve worn glasses much of my life. The only way for me to have 20/20 vision is to don corrective lens since I am severely nearsighted. Some people wear glasses as a fashion statement. To me they are a necessary essential for my life. I first…
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On the Path to Rest and Recovery

Christmas is over. After weeks of preparation, I breathe a sigh of relief. Even though I enjoy all the smiles and laughter of the season, I’m ready for a break. After opening all the presents and consuming rich holiday meals, everyone struggles to return to their own normal routine. We…
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Time: The Most Precious Commodity

Time. It’s the most precious commodity. Yet often we appreciate it the least. People seek after wealth and fame but let time slip away. Even though we all understand that our days are numbered, we waste much of what we’re given. Only when life brings difficult circumstances, do we suddenly…
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Watch for a Sign

Our world is full of signs. There are signs to warn us as well as signs to inform us. So many messages telling us all kinds of things besiege us. We tend to ignore most of them. Unfortunately, ignoring a traffic sign may earn you a ticket or worse. But…
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Planting Trees: A Pure Act of Faith

For several years now, instead of putting up an artificial tree for Christmas, my husband and I decided to purchase a live tree. But rather than cutting down a pine, we go to a local tree farm for a balled tree so we can plant it later. Yes, it’s a…
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The Secret to Contentment

It’s Black Friday. This infamous day of shopping follows closely on the heels of Thanksgiving. Isn’t it ironic that as a society we celebrate gratefulness one day then materialism the next? We are quick to thank God for what we have but then rush out to buy more. Clearly thankfulness…
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Be Kind

Be Kind. Like sweet honey flowing from the comb, kindness satisfies an inner hunger. My tongue longs for its rare flavor. When someone opens a door for me or a stranger pays for my order, it sets my heart aglow. Nothing on earth affirms me like an unsolicited act of…
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Missing the Better Part

As Halloween comes to a close and we roll into Thanksgiving, the race is on. Tis the season for busyness. For women it’s particularly taxing. If you’re anything like me, you long to bring a smile to your family’s faces and make the holidays bright. But at what cost? In…
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Mindful of the Little Moments

It was a small sign. We would have missed it altogether if we kept hiking along the trail. But my husband and I were ready for a break and the bench looked inviting. As I approached it to sit down, I paused to read the plaque attached to the back.…
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Drawn Toward the Flames

Who doesn’t enjoy relaxing in front of a fire? Both humans and animals are drawn toward the flames. It’s warmth and everchanging hues hold us captive. When Indian Summer fades and the crisp evenings of late fall begin, we huddle together around campfires once more. Sparks climb high into the…
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Everyday Epiphanies

Revival broke out on the highway this morning. While driving down I-65 into the city, God decided to show up in a mighty way. Beams of sunlight pierced through the cloud covered sky as I headed to Simon Cancer Center. It felt as if He sent a message just for…
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season of preparation
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Season of Preparation

Autumn in Indiana is a season of preparation. Anyone who has ever experienced a midwestern winter understands the process. Now is the time to change the furnace filter and make sure windows and doors are caulked. When frost threatens, we hustle to harvest any produce left in the garden. Soon…
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Taste and See

What a beautiful fall morning! I woke early and stepped out on the porch to capture photos of the sunrise. It’s much too cool to be outside in just my pajamas so I didn’t linger long. Today is a fine day to thank God for all that is-not bemoan all…
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When Seasons Change

Change is in the air. Can you feel it coming? Even though the days remain warm, the evening brings with it a slight chill. Across the farm fields, the familiar green begins to turn yellow. At first, it’s barely perceptible, but then the soybeans transition into waves of undulating amber.…
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A Divine Encounter Becomes A Holy Assignment

Moses never expected to encounter a burning bush out in the wilderness. I’m sure the consequences that followed this experience bewildered him even more. It’s unlikely he ever considered returning to Egypt. Only a fool would take such a risk. However, now God asks him to do that very thing.…
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