Category: Remembrance
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If Walls Could Speak…
If walls could speak…they would tell tales of children’s laughter and rowdy game nights… of furry friends catnapping in a sunbeam… or of the smell of fresh baked bread cooling in the kitchen. When all the bookshelves lay empty, memories of cozy reads by the fire haunt now silent spaces.…
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At Home in the Garden
What a beautiful spring day! I’m at home in the garden trying to continue social distancing. Yesterday was perfect for planting my tomatoes. My grandfather Van Sickle always said to wait until after my mother’s birthday to set out the tomatoes to avoid frost. Well Mom turned 86 on Friday…
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Grandpa, Will You Play Your Drum?
I grew up in a world immersed in fantasy and fairy tales. In my grandma Helen’s house sat shelves full of amazing books to stimulate a young girl’s imagination. During every visit, her father, my great-grandpa Thompson, read to my sister and me. Some of my fondest memories of him…

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Take Me Out to the Fair
Take me out to the fair. Lead me past the carnival lights and the scent of cotton candy to the cattle barn. In this place, some of my fondest childhood memories were born. Every August for as long as I can recall, the Indiana State Fair was the place to…
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Known By Name
I was the one in grade school that had the name no one knew how to pronounce. Maybe you were that person too. On the first day of school, the teacher called out all the student’s names alphabetically. When she came to my name, there was always a pause. Suzanne…
A Time to Remember
Memorial Day is a time to remember. Today we focus our thoughts on those who gave their lives to give us our freedom. Indeed these are dear memories of selflessness and sacrifice. Many fought and never returned home. However, those that did make it back to their loved ones often…
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Stones of Remembrance
There are numerous accounts in the Old Testament in which the Israelites set up memorials when God came through for them in a big way. One of my favorites was after the crossing of the Jordan River into the Promised Land. God told Joshua that He would cut off the…