Category: Prayer

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Encountering An Easter Morning Surprise
Jesus was dead—or so they thought. Mary Magdalene and the other women had witnessed the horrific act of crucifixion from the foot of the cross. Who could possibly survive a Roman execution? In modern times, we try to downplay its brutality with the gold crosses we wear as jewelry. In…

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Lord, Let Me Offer My Breath as a Prayer
The mountain air is clear and crisp this morning. I inhale its freshness, releasing a deep sigh. Oh, how thankful I am to return to Appalachia. Its sheer beauty calms my troubled soul. I offer my breath as a prayer—not knowing exactly what to pray, I allow the Spirit to…
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The Power of Our Connectedness
Our 24/7 news cycle exposes us to a constant barrage of images depicting horrific events around the globe. In real time, we’re front row witnesses to unbelievable destruction caused by nature and mankind. This information overload contributes to skyrocketing anxiety. However, if we ingest too much over a long period…
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Let us Pray
Earlier this week, a very special person decided to make a grand entrance into the world. Rather than holding off until mid July when he was due to show up, he chose to crash his own party. Needless to say, the baby shower ended abruptly when his mama’s water broke.…
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A Letter to God for Such a Time as This
Dear God…I try to be brave to encourage others but it’s not easy. I try to write words of hope but somedays they just don’t come. Can I give myself permission to feel discouraged…to feel disappointed with the current situation? My sister remains in hospice at home with cancer and…
Strength for the New Year
The beginning of every year is a time for fresh starts. We set out new goals. Some pick one word to focus on while others make New Year Resolutions for change. We dream of losing weight, running a marathon, finding a new job, or perhaps, writing a book. Statistically, the…
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Risky Prayer
Prayer, by definition, is an entreaty or petition to God. Many prayers contain thanks or praise for what God has already done, though almost every prayer consists of asking God for something specific. Give us this day our daily bread. Heal my illness. Help me find a job, a…