Category: Outreach

Driving Into the Storm: A Hurricane Story
Driving into the storm wasn’t the smartest decision we’ve ever made—but it was a necessary one. On Friday, September 27th, my husband and I set off early from my daughter’s home in Indianapolis to head south. We’d been up from Tennessee running my mother to doctor’s appointments and visiting with…

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Learning to Love Beyond Labels
The human brain is an amazing superpowered personal computer tailored uniquely to each individual. It recognizes, analyzes, and labels inputted data within seconds. No matter how much we try to mimic it, nothing quite compares to the mind’s ability to imagine and create. For good or for bad, our brains…
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Sustenance for the Sparrows
Outside my dining room window, a rowdy flock of sparrows gathers on our bird feeder. They fight for a feast of sunflower seeds while I sit eating my own lunch, enjoying their flurry of activity. My husband and I set out food year round intending to attract songbirds to our…
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Be Kind
Be Kind. Like sweet honey flowing from the comb, kindness satisfies an inner hunger. My tongue longs for its rare flavor. When someone opens a door for me or a stranger pays for my order, it sets my heart aglow. Nothing on earth affirms me like an unsolicited act of…
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“I See You”: The Power of Connection
In my last blog post, I wrote about how worldview matters. Our individual beliefs about life determine what choices we make everyday. It’s these choices that effect our actions and how we live out our days. Much of the time it’s subconscious. We’re not even aware of why we make…
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Mission Work: Is it Worth It?
Last night, I slept on the floor of the youth room in a church in Falkville Alabama with 10 other people. Needless to say, this was not my normal Saturday routine. My husband and I are traveling with 3 other adults and 8 youth from our church in Indiana for…
Open Hands and Open Hearts
As many of you know, I work in an inner-city community health center serving the needy in our neighborhood. My co-workers and I intentionally chose where we work because we are helpers by nature. However, even helpers find it difficult to keep helping if they’re not seeing the results of…
A Time to Remember
Memorial Day is a time to remember. Today we focus our thoughts on those who gave their lives to give us our freedom. Indeed these are dear memories of selflessness and sacrifice. Many fought and never returned home. However, those that did make it back to their loved ones often…
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In His Image
For most of my adult life, I purchased eggs by the dozen from my local grocery store. Every carton contained uniform white eggs of exactly the same size. I never thought about the irony of this image until we began raising our own chickens. We purposefully bought a variety of…