Last evening as I was heading off to bed, I glanced through the kitchen window. Out in our yard hundreds of fire flies illuminated the night sky. As twilight turned to darkness, I watched more emerge. Their gentle flickering lights mesmerized me. I remember with childlike wonder running through the damp grass barefoot, carrying a Mason jar to catch the lightning bugs. Those summer nights were full of adventure, enjoying with abandon the natural world right in my own backyard. We always punched holes in the metal lids in an attempt to keep the fire flies alive… but it never worked.
Keeping fireflies alive is as elusive as sustaining our childlike wonder. It fades away with age and we don’t even realize it’s gone until it’s too late. No surprise that Peter Pan never wanted to grow up. He knew the weight of worry and responsibility would snuff out his sense of adventure and natural curiosity. While I gazed at the dance of lights outside my window last night, I longed to remain there to watch but the adult voice in me said no. My alarm rings every week day promptly at 5 am to get ready for work. The thought of missed sleep kept me inside. Staying up to watch fireflies just isn’t responsible. Is it?
Even so, there must be a secret to keeping wonder alive. There are always a few people around who persistently maintain it no matter what. They nurture their inner child while still being an adult. How do they do it? Over time, I’ve found 3 key qualities in those who sustain their childlike wonder for a lifetime.
First and most important is the ability to laugh. Humor truly is the best medicine. My friend, Dr. Louie always has a joke in his back pocket to tell his patients. It’s a true joy watching him tell it and wait for the response. At times, I’ve laughed so hard with him over the silliest thing, I could barely catch my breath. Nothing is better for lightening a weary soul than a good belly laugh. I need to do this more.
Though laughter is a necessary quality, singing is just as essential. Those people who keep a song in their heart greatly bless everyone around them. I sit next to Jessi, one of our nurse practitioners who regularly breaks out in song with no provocation. Often the rest of us join in if we know the tune. When my office partner serenades us, it’s nearly impossible to stay in a sour mood. Music keeps the heart young.
But above all else, when you see the opportunity to play…just do it. Playfulness is a crucial part of preserving wonder. Those who consistently intersperse their life with spontaneous fun, never grow old in spirit. So run outside in your bare feet with the lightning bugs. Who cares if the neighbors see you. Remember, in order to capture fireflies or a sense of wonder, you must first choose to chase them.