Tag: writinglife

The Art of Story: Offering Hope in This Weary World
Earlier this week, I woke around 3:30 am and no matter what I tried, I simply couldn’t go back to sleep. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. I often have trouble either falling asleep or waking too early. The burden of being a light sleeper has plagued me since my nights…

How to Find Inspiration When the Spring Runs Dry
I intended to write a blog earlier this week, but it wasn’t happening. A multitude of ideas bounced in my head yet none of them felt right. With every little thing causing a distraction, the flow of my creativity came to a halt. It wasn’t the first time I’ve struggled…

Good Intentions Without Actions Are a Dead-End Street
Some say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But I say, good intentions without actions are a dead-end street. They may not be taking you to hell, but they certainly aren’t taking you any place worthwhile. This past week, I finished the expanded version of my novel…

Tell Your Story . . . Then Let the Holy Spirit Do the Rest.
Are you ready to tell your story? I asked myself on our way to church. Trepidation filled my heart. It was Pentecost and we had a guest minister in the pulpit. Since we live just north of Asheville NC, my husband and I had time to attend Sunday services before…