Tag: thanksgiving
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Thankful for the Little Joys in Life
Thanksgiving is a time for counting our blessings. Most years I tend to focus on the large gifts God has bestowed on me. A warm house. Loving relationships with friends and family. Good health. And the means to earn a living. While these are all fine reasons for gratefulness, it’s…
How To Respond When Thankfulness Doesn’t Come Easy
It’s Thanksgiving week and turkey with all the fixings await me. As I ponder all I have to be thankful for, my thoughts are juxtaposed against all my worries and challenges. I find myself weighing one against the other. In reality, the challenges I face are small in comparison to…
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What Is That in Your Hand?
What is that in your hand? A voice within my dream inquired. Sudden and distinct, the question woke me from my slumber. I peered at my hand, but my palm was empty . . . vacant. At first glance, I held nothing in my hand. All the while, my mind…
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Brain Science: The Renewing of Your Mind
Brain science blows my mind! I don’t say this because I’m a doctor and human biology is my passion. But recent advances in this field, have totally changed our concept of what’s possible for our brain. This amazes me. Back when I was in medical school (long, long ago), we…
Missing the Better Part
As Halloween comes to a close and we roll into Thanksgiving, the race is on. Tis the season for busyness. For women it’s particularly taxing. If you’re anything like me, you long to bring a smile to your family’s faces and make the holidays bright. But at what cost? In…