Tag: Stewardship

A Keeper of Bees (And Other Illusions of Grandeur)
I fancy myself as a keeper of bees. On any given sunny day, you may see me in my protective gear with veil heading to the bee yard to care for my hives. Inspecting the frames. Feeding the bees. Treating for mites. Putting on additional boxes. My duties vary depending…

Simple Stewardship: A Trust to Keep
In the times we live in, a little simple stewardship goes a long way. We hear a lot about not overusing our resources in the media which is important. But what about reusing what we already have? The sticker shock of inflation has everyone reeling in the check-out line. Instead…
Life as a Beekeeper
The spring honey flow is well underway and my hives are active. Right now the apple blossoms are a favorite of my bees. While taking a photo the other day, one of them stung me on the nose. Ouch! I should know better than to intrude too closely during their…