Tag: springtime

Seeking Out and Sustaining a Healthy Dose of Awe
When was the last time a life experience instilled in you a healthy dose of awe? If you’re like me, either mundane tasks or sensationalized information overload compose most of your day. It’s no surprise we’re left wrung out and weary by the end of the week. We resort to…

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A Right Time for Everything Under Heaven
Even though I’m anxious to rototill the garden as soon as warm days arrive, I force myself to wait. Patience is a must this time of year. Tender plants wilted in the frost have taught me a hard lesson. There’s a right time for everything under heaven and gardening in…

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Lord, Let Me Offer My Breath as a Prayer
The mountain air is clear and crisp this morning. I inhale its freshness, releasing a deep sigh. Oh, how thankful I am to return to Appalachia. Its sheer beauty calms my troubled soul. I offer my breath as a prayer—not knowing exactly what to pray, I allow the Spirit to…

Sow Generously and Wisely for a Spirit Filled Life
The days grow longer and signs of spring abound. It’s time to plant the garden. Depending on where you live, you may already have seeds in the ground. I do. The “cold tolerant” vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, and beets, do well early in the season. Whereas the tender tomato…

Ready, Set . . . Wait: Cultivating the Tender Art of Patience
Spring is here! Maybe. The seasons are fickle in the mountains. One day the temperature is in the 70’s, only for it to plummet down to freezing the next. Last weekend I mowed the lawn and two days later, it snowed. I’m ready. I’m set. But wait. Spring is not…
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Making All Things New
Every spring I celebrate as signs of life break forth through the dead residue of winter. What a joy to spy daffodils and crocus pushing up amongst the dry leaves in my garden. When I focus on what appears lifeless, I can miss these early hints of seasonal change. God…
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Signs of Spring Abound All Around Us
Signs of spring abound all around us. But if you live in Indiana like me, you resist believing it’s here to stay. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cleaned out my flower beds only to have a snowstorm hit the next week. Just when I think it’s time…
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Look Around You: Winter is Over!
Look around you: Winter is over; the winter rains are over, gone! Spring flowers are in blossom all over. The whole world’s a choir-and singing! Spring warblers are filling the forest with sweet arpeggios, Lilacs are exuberantly purple and perfumed, and cherry trees fragrant with blossoms. Song of Solomon 2:11-13…