Tag: selfcare

A New Thing
Join me in welcoming, Dr. Katherine Pasour as a guest blogger on the Coeurageous site. With her background as a retired university professor, she brings years of experience and wisdom to the topic of transitioning well from high school to college. Any time we experience a new thing, it can…

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Taking Joy in Simple Things
I love watching “The Sound of Music.” Of all the wonderful musicals made into movies, it’s my most beloved. I especially enjoy the part when Julie Andrews comforts the Von Trapp children during a thunderstorm by singing, “My Favorite Things.” Even though my voice is a far cry from hers,…

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Seeking Out My Solitary Place
Our boots crunch in the new fallen snow blanketing the path as we wind our way through the forest. From a nearby bush, a cardinal startles at our presence. With a flash of red and the flurry of wings, he is gone. My husband and I walk in companionable silence…
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Searching for the Most Important Piece
This morning I struggled to see clearly. I was making a smoothie for breakfast but couldn’t find the part to blend it. The most important piece was sitting right in front of me, but I failed to locate it. This same thing happens when I search for something in the…
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2022: A Year of Thriving or Merely Surviving
January 2022. Another month, another year rolls around. I’m not one who typically makes New Year’s resolutions. They’re too easy to break. If I resolve anything, it’s to get back on track. I’ve let some important habits slip during our big move this summer and their absence is dragging me…
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Experiencing Joy Within the Sorrow
I feel caught up in a bittersweet sentiment that’s both pleasant and painful. This week we celebrate the arrival of a new member of our family as my niece delivered a beautiful baby boy. But I experience this joy within the sorrow of loss. My sister’s not here to celebrate…
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An Everyday Sort of Magic
I do believe in an everyday sort of magic–the inexplicable connection we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art, and the like; the eerie appropriateness of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence when we think we’re alone. Charles de Lint There’s an everyday sort of magic only children…
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Mirror, Mirror, Who Do I See?
When an animal or baby first sees their image in a mirror, they believe it’s real. It’s amusing to watch as they ponder their reflection. They touch the hard surface and often look behind it trying to find their new playmate. It’s such a disappointment when they eventually figure it…
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Garbage In Garbage Out: Poison for the Soul
Garbage in. Garbage out. So often we hear this expression used in reference to computers. But have you ever stopped to think it might also apply to humans? Whatever we ingest is sure to come back out with predictable consequences. Shouldn’t we take as much care to watch what we…
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Resilient People: Weathering the Storm
How do we stay resilient within this present storm? Everyday we hear something new with the Covid 19 virus. Fear abounds. Many are struggling with the sheer uncertainty of our times. But resilient people move forward through it. What is their secret? Adjust Your Sails for the Wind The wind…