Tag: love

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Love: The Other Four-Letter Word
In the English language, we use the word love to convey a multitude of meanings. I can say “I love my cup of coffee” and “I love my grandchildren” in the same conversation. Yet the value I place on the objects of my love is completely different. With so much…

Relinquishing Our Right to Always Be Right
Life is very confusing. I feel as if I live in an upside-down world. What am I to believe or not believe? A drove of information surrounds me but very little truth. Everything seems to be relative based on who it benefits. Entitlement consumes our culture. We each shout loudly,…

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Learning to Love Beyond Labels
The human brain is an amazing superpowered personal computer tailored uniquely to each individual. It recognizes, analyzes, and labels inputted data within seconds. No matter how much we try to mimic it, nothing quite compares to the mind’s ability to imagine and create. For good or for bad, our brains…

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Look Up: Behold a Great Light
It’s chilly in the mountains these last days before Christmas. Yesterday evening I hurried out in the cold to take a bag of trash to the garage. With gift wrapping, we unfortunately make a lot of trash. As I shuffled my feet to avoid slipping on the new crust of…

What is the Measure of Success?
Over this past weekend, my husband and I spent a considerable amount of time digging around in the mud. We were attempting to replace a broken stock tank in order to divert water from the natural spring which runs down the mountain behind our home. Between the tremendous amount of…