Tag: hope

Hope When Life Throws You Roadblocks
It’s difficult to maintain hope when life throws you roadblocks. This is especially true when one obstacle after another litters your path. Sometimes these situations only act as speedbumps. But at other times, they’re a massive rockslide blocking your way. How do you keep a positive attitude when these roadblocks…

When the Christmas Spirit Feels Elusive— Celebrate Anyway
If you’ve noticed that I haven’t written lately or posted much on social media, you would be correct. It feels like I’ve fallen off the face of the earth and I’m just beginning to climb back on. Can you relate? The last few months have been particularly tough for me…

Everyone Needs Encouragers in Their Life
Everyone needs encouragers in their life. I know I do. Otherwise, when situations don’t turn out the way I anticipated or the road gets tough, I inevitably fall into negativity. The critical voice in my head replays the same old stories from my past sending me into a tailspin. But…

Coeurageous—Moved by the Heart to Live and Act Fearlessly
Over six years have passed since the inception of my website, Coeurageous. Much has changed since I penned my first blog post. But yet, much has stayed the same. Anxiety levels have soared since the pandemic and haven’t settled down. Fear is at an all-time high. The need for encouragement…

The Art of Story: Offering Hope in This Weary World
Earlier this week, I woke around 3:30 am and no matter what I tried, I simply couldn’t go back to sleep. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. I often have trouble either falling asleep or waking too early. The burden of being a light sleeper has plagued me since my nights…

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A Right Time for Everything Under Heaven
Even though I’m anxious to rototill the garden as soon as warm days arrive, I force myself to wait. Patience is a must this time of year. Tender plants wilted in the frost have taught me a hard lesson. There’s a right time for everything under heaven and gardening in…

Beauty Found Within the Ashes
Life is so full of confusing contrasts. Isn’t it odd how often unexpected beauty is found within the ashes? Its boldness brightens our day and pushes away worries that threaten to weigh us down. Out of the darkness, beauty offers hope within a world blanketed in sorrow. During my recent…

Living Hope: Faith in Action
Do you sometimes leave worship services with more questions than when you entered? I know I do. Since this past Sunday, I’ve wrestled with Pastor Doug’s sermon. His message spoke of living hope which is not a new term for me. According to the Bible, Jesus is our living hope.…

Embracing Hope Despite the Soul Pains of Life
Here you are again blindsided by pain. Just when you thought the rollercoaster of life was on level ground, your world has been turned upside down by grief once more. I’m not writing about physical pain but soul pain–the kind that squeezes your heart and steals your breath. There are…
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Hope: An Unwavering Anchor for the Soul
If faith is confident assurance in the present then hope is eager anticipation for what’s to come. Hope keeps us going. It holds us together when we’re falling apart and mends our wounds through its power. Hope provides an unwavering anchor for the soul. But where do we look for…
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Grace Notes: A Melody of Hope
In a world full of difficulty, we all need a little grace. Grace presents itself in various forms. This word represents elegance, virtue and moral strength. Some say ‘grace’ before a meal. Others grace us with their presence. At times, a grace period offers a reprieve before a bill is…
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There’s Always an Upside
Not many people want to admit their age as they get older. After about 3 decades, most of us avoid the big birthday celebration. We think: Let me stay 29 and holding as long as I can. Until recently, I felt the same. What’s to gain? Creaky joints, loose skin…