Tag: Easter

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Encountering An Easter Morning Surprise
Jesus was dead—or so they thought. Mary Magdalene and the other women had witnessed the horrific act of crucifixion from the foot of the cross. Who could possibly survive a Roman execution? In modern times, we try to downplay its brutality with the gold crosses we wear as jewelry. In…
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Wrestling With Why in a World Full of Paradox
As a child, I was naturally curious. I desired to understand my world and wasn’t shy about asking questions. Once I figured things out, I insisted on doing everything myself, even to the point of holding my own hand. My blatant sense of independence drove my mother crazy. This need…
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Darkness Before the Dawn
In the Christian calendar, this is Holy Week. It’s the short time between Palm Sunday and Easter when Jesus entered Jerusalem, died by crucifixion, and rose from the dead. For the people nearest him, it was an emotional rollercoaster. Have you ever thought about how the disciples must have felt?…
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Signs of Spring Abound All Around Us
Signs of spring abound all around us. But if you live in Indiana like me, you resist believing it’s here to stay. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cleaned out my flower beds only to have a snowstorm hit the next week. Just when I think it’s time…
Comments Off on The Real Easter: Jesus-Only Jesus
The Real Easter: Jesus-Only Jesus
Gone is the Easter Bunny with all his eggs. He’s sheltering at home. Don’t plan on a community egg hunt this year for the kids because it’s not happening. If you purchased an Easter dress, you may want to exchange it for new pajamas to watch virtual church services on…
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Spring is on the Way
Every year during the month of March, I find myself struggling. In Indiana, the last vestiges of winter seem to drag on and on. Though if I look closely, I see signs of change popping up everywhere. While robins search for tasty earthworms, lemon colored daffodils push up through the…
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Beautiful Feet
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7 NIV When my feet step out upon a mountain trail, I am at home. In the quiet…