Tag: change

A New Thing
Join me in welcoming, Dr. Katherine Pasour as a guest blogger on the Coeurageous site. With her background as a retired university professor, she brings years of experience and wisdom to the topic of transitioning well from high school to college. Any time we experience a new thing, it can…
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Change is On the Way: Am I Ready?
What a lazy day! It’s my day off work and I didn’t wake up until almost 10 am! Yesterday spent all my energy and left me overly tired. My Wednesdays are such a cluster with work starting at 6:30 am, then going to my niece’s to babysit her little boy…

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Season of Preparation
Autumn in Indiana is a season of preparation. Anyone who has ever experienced a midwestern winter understands the process. Now is the time to change the furnace filter and make sure windows and doors are caulked. When frost threatens, we hustle to harvest any produce left in the garden. Soon…