Tag: bees

A Keeper of Bees (And Other Illusions of Grandeur)
I fancy myself as a keeper of bees. On any given sunny day, you may see me in my protective gear with veil heading to the bee yard to care for my hives. Inspecting the frames. Feeding the bees. Treating for mites. Putting on additional boxes. My duties vary depending…

Gleaning Wisdom from Nature: Be Like the Bees
If you pay attention to the natural world, it will teach you many helpful lessons. It always amazes me how my bees offer me bits of wisdom applicable to my own life. When I observe their daily habits and compare them to my own, I’m convicted and a little envious.…
Surviving Within the Swarms of Life
Several years ago, my husband and I made the decision to keep bees. It was more my idea than his but he supported my efforts. If truth be told, he’s still afraid of them. He can’t resist the temptation to swat when they crawl in his hair even though they’re…
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Signs of Spring Abound All Around Us
Signs of spring abound all around us. But if you live in Indiana like me, you resist believing it’s here to stay. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cleaned out my flower beds only to have a snowstorm hit the next week. Just when I think it’s time…
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Honey is Liquid Gold to Sweeten the Soul
My mouth longed for the first taste of this year’s honey harvest as I watched the golden syrup flow forth from our extractor. Even after the swarm in early June, the bees in our four hives have been quite productive. We collected 28 pints and nearly 4 quarts from only…