Comments Off on Thank You Coeurageous Followers!
Thank You Coeurageous Followers!
Thank you Coeurageous followers! You’re now one thousand strong. Together we encourage and lift each other up. Always remember, Jesus walks with you through every storm.
Comments Off on Hope: An Unwavering Anchor for the Soul
Hope: An Unwavering Anchor for the Soul
If faith is confident assurance in the present then hope is eager anticipation for what’s to come. Hope keeps us going. It holds us together when we’re falling apart and mends our wounds through its power. Hope provides an unwavering anchor for the soul. But where do we look for…
Comments Off on Pressing Forward in Faith One Step at a Time
Pressing Forward in Faith One Step at a Time
Oftentimes the most difficult part of a journey is the first step. We have brilliant ideas, new projects swirling in our heads, but they never come to fruition. Fear paralyzes us and procrastination keeps us stuck at the starting line. We lack confidence in ourselves, yet more than that, we…
Comments Off on Tired of Being Tired? Look Up
Tired of Being Tired? Look Up
If 2020 is a marathon then the time span between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is the final sprint. Do the holidays energize you? Or has the stress of this year left you spent and unmotivated? If you answered yes to the second question, you’re not alone. Many people are tired…
Comments Off on Act As If You’re Thankful
Act As If You’re Thankful
The holiday season rushes upon us. Thanksgiving transitions into Christmas, encompassing one of the busiest times of the year. If you’re like me, you’ve cleaned the house and baked the feast but there’s something missing. Physically I’m ready though mentally I feel unprepared. When day to day occurrences appear out…
Comments Off on Sustenance for the Sparrows
Sustenance for the Sparrows
Outside my dining room window, a rowdy flock of sparrows gathers on our bird feeder. They fight for a feast of sunflower seeds while I sit eating my own lunch, enjoying their flurry of activity. My husband and I set out food year round intending to attract songbirds to our…
Comments Off on Whatever the Outcome: Live with Integrity
Whatever the Outcome: Live with Integrity
The election is over. The candidates you supported may have won or lost. Some shout victory, others mourn, while a few important races remain undecided. However, whatever the outcome of the election, of this I’m sure. God is still on the throne. It may not feel like it, but He…
Comments Off on Garbage In Garbage Out: Poison for the Soul
Garbage In Garbage Out: Poison for the Soul
Garbage in. Garbage out. So often we hear this expression used in reference to computers. But have you ever stopped to think it might also apply to humans? Whatever we ingest is sure to come back out with predictable consequences. Shouldn’t we take as much care to watch what we…
Comments Off on Life on Lazy Bee Farm: A Little Bit of Heaven
Life on Lazy Bee Farm: A Little Bit of Heaven
So, my husband Tim, thinks I need to lighten up my blog topics a bit. He complains my writing is much too serious. Honestly, it’s difficult to avoid sober-mindedness with all the challenges we’ve experienced this year. But, not everything is dark and gloomy. Life on Lazy Bee Farm remains…
Comments Off on Finding God in the Midst of This Mess
Finding God in the Midst of This Mess
A few days ago, I finished John Eldridge’s new book, Get Your Life Back. It’s a good read and a balm for the battered soul. However, I think a better name might be, “Finding God in the Midst of This Mess.” The year 2020 certainly looks like a mess for…
Comments Off on “Summer Collapsed into Fall”
“Summer Collapsed into Fall”
Summer is winding down. Fall is upon us. It makes me a little melancholy walking through the gardens at the end of the season. The tomatoes, peppers and herbs will hang on until the first hard frost. But, its sure to come soon. As Oscar Wilde said, “all at once,…
Comments Off on Grace Notes: A Melody of Hope
Grace Notes: A Melody of Hope
In a world full of difficulty, we all need a little grace. Grace presents itself in various forms. This word represents elegance, virtue and moral strength. Some say ‘grace’ before a meal. Others grace us with their presence. At times, a grace period offers a reprieve before a bill is…
Comments Off on Thank God for Grandparents
Thank God for Grandparents
Thank God for grandparents. What a huge role they play in the life of our children. While we celebrate Grandparents day but once a year the weekend after Labor Day, let’s remember their precious value daily. Their support and unconditional love is like silver and gold to their families. During…
Comments Off on Honey is Liquid Gold to Sweeten the Soul
Honey is Liquid Gold to Sweeten the Soul
My mouth longed for the first taste of this year’s honey harvest as I watched the golden syrup flow forth from our extractor. Even after the swarm in early June, the bees in our four hives have been quite productive. We collected 28 pints and nearly 4 quarts from only…
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