Comments Off on Life on Lazy Bee Farm: A Little Bit of Heaven

Life on Lazy Bee Farm: A Little Bit of Heaven

So, my husband Tim, thinks I need to lighten up my blog topics a bit. He complains my writing is much too serious. Honestly, it’s difficult to avoid sober-mindedness with all the challenges we’ve experienced this year. But, not everything is dark and gloomy. Life on Lazy Bee Farm remains…
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Comments Off on Seeking Unity in Love

Seeking Unity in Love

In early 2018, I started my blog Coeurageous because of all the fear and anxiety I was seeing in my patients. I wanted to offer them hope and encouragement. With the advent of 2020 and the pandemic, this fear has heightened. But, it has also morphed into a more dangerous…
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Comments Off on Finding God in the Midst of This Mess

Finding God in the Midst of This Mess

A few days ago, I finished John Eldridge’s new book, Get Your Life Back. It’s a good read and a balm for the battered soul. However, I think a better name might be, “Finding God in the Midst of This Mess.” The year 2020 certainly looks like a mess for…
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Comments Off on “Summer Collapsed into Fall”

“Summer Collapsed into Fall”

Summer is winding down. Fall is upon us. It makes me a little melancholy walking through the gardens at the end of the season. The tomatoes, peppers and herbs will hang on until the first hard frost. But, its sure to come soon. As Oscar Wilde said, “all at once,…
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Comments Off on Grace Notes: A Melody of Hope

Grace Notes: A Melody of Hope

In a world full of difficulty, we all need a little grace. Grace presents itself in various forms. This word represents elegance, virtue and moral strength. Some say ‘grace’ before a meal. Others grace us with their presence. At times, a grace period offers a reprieve before a bill is…
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Comments Off on Thank God for Grandparents

Thank God for Grandparents

Thank God for grandparents. What a huge role they play in the life of our children. While we celebrate Grandparents day but once a year the weekend after Labor Day, let’s remember their precious value daily. Their support and unconditional love is like silver and gold to their families. During…
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Comments Off on Honey is Liquid Gold to Sweeten the Soul

Honey is Liquid Gold to Sweeten the Soul

My mouth longed for the first taste of this year’s honey harvest as I watched the golden syrup flow forth from our extractor. Even after the swarm in early June, the bees in our four hives have been quite productive. We collected 28 pints and nearly 4 quarts from only…
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Comments Off on A Light to Shine

A Light to Shine

Everyone carries within them a light to shine, a melody to sing, or a gift to bestow upon the world. Everyone. Whether we recognize it or not, each human being bears God-given abilities unique just to them. Think for a moment. What if all those talents developed with the goal…
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Comments Off on The Great Reset

The Great Reset

Humans as well as most living beings tend to resist change. Why alter direction if life is running smoothly? There’s no point. Right? Instead of evaluating whether our existence could be better, inertia keeps us stuck in the same old patterns. Comfort trumps transformation. Until something moves us out of…
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Comments Off on Through Loving Deeply We Become Real

Through Loving Deeply We Become Real

As a young girl, I learned what it meant to become real. When I was only 5 years old, I remember going to visit my great, great grandmother, Anna Peterson.  She had just turned 103 and many family members gathered to celebrate her birthday at my great Aunt Mena and…
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Comments Off on Can We Learn to Live with Risk?

Can We Learn to Live with Risk?

The level of anxiety in my world is exhausting. I love my work, but this is hard. Trying to be a light in desperate times takes a fortitude I’m not sure I possess. Yet, this is the reason I started the ‘Coeurageous’ blog, long before Covid 19. The raised sense…
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Comments Off on Abundance: A Bountiful Harvest

Abundance: A Bountiful Harvest

About this time each year, I deal with a delicious dilemma. Any gardener of vegetables understands. Near the end of summer, at least one variety explodes in productivity. Usually it’s the zucchini doubling in size overnight (really!). For me, 2020 is the year of the cucumber, loads and loads of…
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Comments Off on Choose to ‘Be the Good’ Anyway

Choose to ‘Be the Good’ Anyway

On a wall in my sister’s living room hangs a plaque. It reads: Believe there is good in the world. Be the Good. This mantra embodies her life’s message. We may not recognize the good in the world, but we can always choose to be the good anyway. As many…
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Comments Off on Chicken Little Is the Sky Really Falling?

Chicken Little Is the Sky Really Falling?

If you’re familiar with chickens, you know they are flighty birds. Even a small sound sends them into a tizzy. When the rooster calls out a warning, all the hens nearly fall over one another running back into the coop. I’m sure this instinctive behavior developed to preserve the species.…
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Comments Off on Purpose Within the Pain

Purpose Within the Pain

I spend quite a lot of time trying to avoid trouble. I think the majority of us do the same. It’s self preservation. Maybe if I say and do all the right things then life will go along smoothly. I’ll somehow avoid all the problems I see others experiencing. However,…
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