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Season the World With Your Saltiness

Salt is one of the most common seasonings in the 21st century kitchen. A cook adds salt to her culinary creations to enhance the flavor of the ingredients. But back in 1st century Judea, salt had a wide variety of uses that seem obscure to us today. When Jesus said…
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Forgiveness: A Sacrificial Act of the Will

When people harm us, our natural human inclination is to retaliate or seek revenge. In contrast, the decision to forgive often comes with great effort or personal cost to the injured person. Ultimately, forgiveness is a sacrificial act of the will. It’s not a feeling but a committed choice. Forgiveness…
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Courage: Choosing to Do the Next Right Thing

Often when asked to define courage, we tend to offer examples of extreme acts of bravery. We think someone is courageous if they jump into a raging river to save a drowning child. When the first astronauts flew into space, they showed courage as they risked their lives to travel…
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Time for Rest and Renewal on Lazy Bee Farm

Seasons change and so does life on Lazy Bee Farm. Winter is a time for rest and renewal as animals hibernate and trees lie dormant awaiting the break of spring. All of creation moves in cycles according to ordered rhythms of life. Out here on the farm, we depend on…
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Snow, Snow, the Magic of Snow

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Comments Off on Something Lost But Something Gained

Something Lost But Something Gained

This year comes to a close and the new year begins. To say 2020 has been a challenge is an understatement. Each family, each person experienced it uniquely. For me, the year brought a mixture of grief and joy for something lost but something gained. Over the first half, I…
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Comments Off on The Greatest Gift of All

The Greatest Gift of All

The Christmas season is a magical time of year filled with twinkling lights, sacred music and children’s laughter. Gifts sit under carefully decorated evergreen trees ready for opening. If I’m honest, I admit to wondering what treasures lay hidden for me in these brightly wrapped packages. What will be the…
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Thank You Coeurageous Followers!

Thank you Coeurageous followers! You’re now one thousand strong. Together we encourage and lift each other up. Always remember, Jesus walks with you through every storm.
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Comments Off on Hope: An Unwavering Anchor for the Soul

Hope: An Unwavering Anchor for the Soul

If faith is confident assurance in the present then hope is eager anticipation for what’s to come. Hope keeps us going. It holds us together when we’re falling apart and mends our wounds through its power. Hope provides an unwavering anchor for the soul. But where do we look for…
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Pressing Forward in Faith One Step at a Time

Oftentimes the most difficult part of a journey is the first step. We have brilliant ideas, new projects swirling in our heads, but they never come to fruition. Fear paralyzes us and procrastination keeps us stuck at the starting line. We lack confidence in ourselves, yet more than that, we…
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Comments Off on Tired of Being Tired? Look Up

Tired of Being Tired? Look Up

If 2020 is a marathon then the time span between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is the final sprint. Do the holidays energize you? Or has the stress of this year left you spent and unmotivated? If you answered yes to the second question, you’re not alone. Many people are tired…
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Comments Off on Act As If You’re Thankful

Act As If You’re Thankful

The holiday season rushes upon us. Thanksgiving transitions into Christmas, encompassing one of the busiest times of the year. If you’re like me, you’ve cleaned the house and baked the feast but there’s something missing. Physically I’m ready though mentally I feel unprepared. When day to day occurrences appear out…
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Comments Off on Sustenance for the Sparrows

Sustenance for the Sparrows

Outside my dining room window, a rowdy flock of sparrows gathers on our bird feeder. They fight for a feast of sunflower seeds while I sit eating my own lunch, enjoying their flurry of activity. My husband and I set out food year round intending to attract songbirds to our…
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Comments Off on Whatever the Outcome: Live with Integrity

Whatever the Outcome: Live with Integrity

The election is over. The candidates you supported may have won or lost. Some shout victory, others mourn, while a few important races remain undecided. However, whatever the outcome of the election, of this I’m sure. God is still on the throne. It may not feel like it, but He…
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Garbage In Garbage Out: Poison for the Soul

Garbage in. Garbage out. So often we hear this expression used in reference to computers. But have you ever stopped to think it might also apply to humans? Whatever we ingest is sure to come back out with predictable consequences. Shouldn’t we take as much care to watch what we…
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