Comments Off on Divine Encounter: Turn Aside from Ordinary

Divine Encounter: Turn Aside from Ordinary

It was just an ordinary day. I doubt Moses expected to see anything unusual out in the wilderness as he herded his father-in-laws sheep. For forty years the scenery and the task never changed. When he resided in Egypt, he lived in opulence as part of Pharaoh’s household. But all…
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Lessons From the Land of Oz

There are many obvious lessons from the Land of Oz most of us recall. Recently we visited this magical place on the top of Beech Mountain in North Carolina. Granted it’s just a replica with actors playing the parts of Dorothy and her friends. Nevertheless, there still is much to…
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Grandpa, Will You Play Your Drum?

I grew up in a world immersed in fantasy and fairy tales. In my grandma Helen’s house sat shelves full of amazing books to stimulate a young girl’s imagination. During every visit, her father, my great-grandpa Thompson, read to my sister and me. Some of my fondest memories of him…
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Take Up the Sword of the Spirit

It’s been a tough week. There is a spiritual battle raging. Until I fully recognize its presence, I fail to arm myself properly. My foes are not human but are the forces of darkness that invade the mind. Discouragement, hopelessness and complacency knock at the door of my heart. Now…
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Follow the Yellow Brick Road

In a few short weeks, we leave for the Land of Oz. I’ve always wanted to travel to this mysterious place since reading the series of Oz books as a child. Most people remember The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, but this wasn’t L. Frank Baum’s only book. In fact, he…
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Turn Down the Volume of the World

Stop just a moment to listen. What do you hear? If you’re like me, your world is full of noise. Cars honk. Cell phones ding. Musac plays in every office and elevator. Most of it we tune out as we go about our day. But our minds are full of…
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Take Me Out to the Fair

Take me out to the fair. Lead me past the carnival lights and the scent of cotton candy to the cattle barn. In this place, some of my fondest childhood memories were born. Every August for as long as I can recall, the Indiana State Fair was the place to…
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“I See You”: The Power of Connection

In my last blog post, I wrote about how worldview matters. Our individual beliefs about life determine what choices we make everyday. It’s these choices that effect our actions and how we live out our days. Much of the time it’s subconscious. We’re not even aware of why we make…
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Choosing Wisely: Worldview Matters

We live in a world of unlimited options. While standing in line at our local Chick-fil-A, the number of choices is daunting. Yes, I understand that it’s all chicken. Even so, how many different ways can one fast food restaurant prepare poultry? If I find it difficult to decide on…
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Life Doesn’t Seem Fair: Finding Hope in Tragedy

Life doesn’t seem fair. Just listen to the news for a short time to confirm the truth of this statement. Every day we see the evidence. Evil tramples good and recklessness harms the innocent. When the young become casualties, it’s particularly painful. My heart mourns with these victims of injustice…
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Comments Off on Childlike Wonder: The Art of Capturing Fireflies

Childlike Wonder: The Art of Capturing Fireflies

Last evening as I was heading off to bed, I glanced through the kitchen window. Out in our yard hundreds of fire flies illuminated the night sky. As twilight turned to darkness, I watched more emerge. Their gentle flickering lights mesmerized me. I remember with childlike wonder running through the…
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Comments Off on Chosen to Be Free: Blessing and Responsibility

Chosen to Be Free: Blessing and Responsibility

In America, we are chosen to be free. This may sound arrogant but there is a reason we exist. Every time I write a post, I must remind myself not to take this freedom for granted. The majority of people around the world don’t have the liberty to speak or…
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Comments Off on Mission Work: Is it Worth It?

Mission Work: Is it Worth It?

Last night, I slept on the floor of the youth room in a church in Falkville Alabama with 10 other people. Needless to say, this was not my normal Saturday routine. My husband and I are traveling with 3 other adults and 8 youth from our church in Indiana for…
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Comments Off on I Give Myself Permission to Rest

I Give Myself Permission to Rest

I give myself permission to rest from this rushing race of life. From early morning, I have run around like a crazy woman. It’s time for a break. Even if for a few moments, I own the front porch swing. Here is a quiet place of respite away from the…
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Known By Name

I was the one in grade school that had the name no one knew how to pronounce. Maybe you were that person too. On the first day of school, the teacher called out all the student’s names alphabetically. When she came to my name, there was always a pause. Suzanne…
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