Comments Off on There’s Always an Upside

There’s Always an Upside

Not many people want to admit their age as they get older. After about 3 decades, most of us avoid the big birthday celebration. We think: Let me stay 29 and holding as long as I can. Until recently, I felt the same. What’s to gain? Creaky joints, loose skin…
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Comments Off on A Letter to God for Such a Time as This

A Letter to God for Such a Time as This

Dear God…I try to be brave to encourage others but it’s not easy. I try to write words of hope but somedays they just don’t come. Can I give myself permission to feel discouraged…to feel disappointed with the current situation? My sister remains in hospice at home with cancer and…
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Comments Off on The Real Easter: Jesus-Only Jesus

The Real Easter: Jesus-Only Jesus

Gone is the Easter Bunny with all his eggs. He’s sheltering at home. Don’t plan on a community egg hunt this year for the kids because it’s not happening. If you purchased an Easter dress, you may want to exchange it for new pajamas to watch virtual church services on…
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Selah-A Pause Within the Chaos

I need a pause within the chaos. In reality, we all could use a break from this present craziness. Most days I feel hopeful and prepared to wait out the quarantine. But then, the next moment a wave of fear and guilt overwhelms my soul. Back and forth my emotions…
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Comments Off on Spring is on the Way

Spring is on the Way

Every year during the month of March, I find myself struggling. In Indiana, the last vestiges of winter seem to drag on and on. Though if I look closely, I see signs of change popping up everywhere. While robins search for tasty earthworms, lemon colored daffodils push up through the…
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Comments Off on Resilient People: Weathering the Storm

Resilient People: Weathering the Storm

How do we stay resilient within this present storm? Everyday we hear something new with the Covid 19 virus. Fear abounds. Many are struggling with the sheer uncertainty of our times. But resilient people move forward through it. What is their secret? Adjust Your Sails for the Wind The wind…
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Courage in Spite of Circumstances

‘Courage in spite of circumstances is a choice’. Every day we face this decision. As humans, we cower in fear or we choose to step out instead into the uncertainty. The world is a scary place. If we’re honest, we recognize it’s always been this way. The objects of our…
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Comments Off on Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans

I’m a planner. All who know me well, can attest to this. It either drives them crazy or they see it as an asset. My husband falls in the first category. He looks at my ‘best laid plans’ and just shakes his head. From mapping a trip to writing a…
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Comments Off on Treasure Hidden in Earthen Vessels

Treasure Hidden in Earthen Vessels

Have you ever spent an inordinate amount of time searching through your pantry for a container? After digging through various shapes and sizes, you pull out your prize. Only then you discover that none of the lids fit! That perfect container remains hidden or simply doesn’t exist. But our leftovers…
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Comments Off on But If Not…Three Powerful Words of Faith

But If Not…Three Powerful Words of Faith

But if not. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego spoke these three powerful words of faith before being thrown into the fiery furnace. With courage, they told King Nebuchadnezzar that their God was able to save them. But if not, their decision remained the same. They would not bow down to the…
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Comments Off on Love: A Choice of the Heart

Love: A Choice of the Heart

Every year Valentine’s Day falls in the middle of our frigid Midwestern winter. How ironic that a holiday celebrating fiery emotions, presents itself at this coldest season of year. But perhaps its timing isn’t a paradox but a symbol. Love in its purest form is a choice of the heart.…
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Comments Off on Keep a Fierce But Compassionate Heart

Keep a Fierce But Compassionate Heart

My husband knows I love to write so, he bought me this new journal for Christmas. I’ve filled many over the past few years. Somehow it seems fitting to start it on this cold, blustery winter morning just before Valentine’s Day. He thinks I was born with a fiery spirit.…
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Comments Off on Ask Me Who I Am

Ask Me Who I Am

Ask me who I am. In the short bio for my website, I give a brief answer to this inquiry. “Dr. Suzanne Montgomery is a Family Physician, Mom, Author, lover of gardening, hiking and Jesus (not necessarily in that order).” This is by no means a complete inventory of my…
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Comments Off on Beauty Rises from the Ashes

Beauty Rises from the Ashes

My daughter Rozie recently sent me a picture of a flowering bush growing up through a crack of hardened volcanic rock. She shot this photo on the Big Island of Hawaii. Not so long ago, Kilauea erupted, spewing ash and lava, wiping out everything in its path. But nature is…
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Comments Off on Miracles Evolve Daily

Miracles Evolve Daily

Miracles evolve daily yet we don’t often recognize their significance. Every morning the sun rises then sets again in the evening. We count on it’s regularity. By the light of it’s rays, flowers emerge from seed in the ground while busy bees produce delectable honey through collecting its pollen and…
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