Category: Wonder

Seeking Out and Sustaining a Healthy Dose of Awe
When was the last time a life experience instilled in you a healthy dose of awe? If you’re like me, either mundane tasks or sensationalized information overload compose most of your day. It’s no surprise we’re left wrung out and weary by the end of the week. We resort to…

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Look Up: Behold a Great Light
It’s chilly in the mountains these last days before Christmas. Yesterday evening I hurried out in the cold to take a bag of trash to the garage. With gift wrapping, we unfortunately make a lot of trash. As I shuffled my feet to avoid slipping on the new crust of…

Beauty Found Within the Ashes
Life is so full of confusing contrasts. Isn’t it odd how often unexpected beauty is found within the ashes? Its boldness brightens our day and pushes away worries that threaten to weigh us down. Out of the darkness, beauty offers hope within a world blanketed in sorrow. During my recent…
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An Everyday Sort of Magic
I do believe in an everyday sort of magic–the inexplicable connection we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art, and the like; the eerie appropriateness of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence when we think we’re alone. Charles de Lint There’s an everyday sort of magic only children…
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Standing On Holy Ground
Have you ever suddenly found yourselves standing on Holy Ground? Like Moses, did it catch you by surprise? The following story describes a time when God revealed his holiness to me in an ordinary hospital room. This encounter took place in the late 1990’s while I was practicing medicine in…
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The Invisible Treasures Hidden in Our Own Hands
Setting goals is a must to achieve success in almost every endeavor. Without some sort of goal, our lives flounder aimlessly. But even the best aspiration can become a stumbling block to real joy if we let it. When we focus intently in one direction, we risk developing tunnel vision,…
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Honey is Liquid Gold to Sweeten the Soul
My mouth longed for the first taste of this year’s honey harvest as I watched the golden syrup flow forth from our extractor. Even after the swarm in early June, the bees in our four hives have been quite productive. We collected 28 pints and nearly 4 quarts from only…
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Let us Pray
Earlier this week, a very special person decided to make a grand entrance into the world. Rather than holding off until mid July when he was due to show up, he chose to crash his own party. Needless to say, the baby shower ended abruptly when his mama’s water broke.…
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A Walk in the Woods
While practicing social distancing, my husband and I took a short walk in the woods at MacGregor Park on Sunday. Our spring here in Indiana has been a bit poky but now is in full bloom. I love the opportunity to bask in the sunshine in only a light jacket.…
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Everyday Epiphanies
Revival broke out on the highway this morning. While driving down I-65 into the city, God decided to show up in a mighty way. Beams of sunlight pierced through the cloud covered sky as I headed to Simon Cancer Center. It felt as if He sent a message just for…
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Childlike Wonder: The Art of Capturing Fireflies
Last evening as I was heading off to bed, I glanced through the kitchen window. Out in our yard hundreds of fire flies illuminated the night sky. As twilight turned to darkness, I watched more emerge. Their gentle flickering lights mesmerized me. I remember with childlike wonder running through the…
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I Give Myself Permission to Rest
I give myself permission to rest from this rushing race of life. From early morning, I have run around like a crazy woman. It’s time for a break. Even if for a few moments, I own the front porch swing. Here is a quiet place of respite away from the…
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Snow Day
Relax, Reflect and Renew. Relish this wonderous gift. Light snow flakes blow in waves across the already brilliant white space between our home and the chicken house. None of the birds have peered out today but I don’t blame them. They huddle together next to their warming light and I…
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Country Girl at Heart
I could hear the wind rustling through the dry corn stalks in the fields as I was walking down to the of turkey farm at the end of my road this morning. The sound was so soft and soothing. Only the birds chattering above my head on the electric wires,…