Category: Trust

How To Respond When Thankfulness Doesn’t Come Easy
It’s Thanksgiving week and turkey with all the fixings await me. As I ponder all I have to be thankful for, my thoughts are juxtaposed against all my worries and challenges. I find myself weighing one against the other. In reality, the challenges I face are small in comparison to…

Trust Jesus With Your ‘What Ifs’
If I’m totally honest, I admit I worry too much. With the daily disasters reported in the news, it’s easy to get caught up in the ‘What If’ game. This is especially true when it comes to my grandchildren. What if they become ill, what if they’re in an accident,…
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Uprooted or Transplanted: A Matter of Perspective
My world is more than chaotic right now. The whirlwind move from our home of sixteen years, left me torn from all that was familiar and comforting. Up to this point, any semblance of normal evades me. Yes, it was our choice to sell our place, but who knew how…
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Hope: An Unwavering Anchor for the Soul
If faith is confident assurance in the present then hope is eager anticipation for what’s to come. Hope keeps us going. It holds us together when we’re falling apart and mends our wounds through its power. Hope provides an unwavering anchor for the soul. But where do we look for…
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Pressing Forward in Faith One Step at a Time
Oftentimes the most difficult part of a journey is the first step. We have brilliant ideas, new projects swirling in our heads, but they never come to fruition. Fear paralyzes us and procrastination keeps us stuck at the starting line. We lack confidence in ourselves, yet more than that, we…
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Finding God in the Midst of This Mess
A few days ago, I finished John Eldridge’s new book, Get Your Life Back. It’s a good read and a balm for the battered soul. However, I think a better name might be, “Finding God in the Midst of This Mess.” The year 2020 certainly looks like a mess for…
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Chicken Little Is the Sky Really Falling?
If you’re familiar with chickens, you know they are flighty birds. Even a small sound sends them into a tizzy. When the rooster calls out a warning, all the hens nearly fall over one another running back into the coop. I’m sure this instinctive behavior developed to preserve the species.…
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Trust God With the Uncertainty
We live in an age of information overload. With all the voices vying for our attention, it’s nearly impossible to know who to believe. Even though I must keep up with the medical information on the Covid 19 virus, I try to avoid media sources. They tend to increase my…
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The Secret to Contentment
It’s Black Friday. This infamous day of shopping follows closely on the heels of Thanksgiving. Isn’t it ironic that as a society we celebrate gratefulness one day then materialism the next? We are quick to thank God for what we have but then rush out to buy more. Clearly thankfulness…

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Season of Preparation
Autumn in Indiana is a season of preparation. Anyone who has ever experienced a midwestern winter understands the process. Now is the time to change the furnace filter and make sure windows and doors are caulked. When frost threatens, we hustle to harvest any produce left in the garden. Soon…
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I Give Myself Permission to Rest
I give myself permission to rest from this rushing race of life. From early morning, I have run around like a crazy woman. It’s time for a break. Even if for a few moments, I own the front porch swing. Here is a quiet place of respite away from the…