Category: Strength
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Blessed Are the Flexible
Be flexible, but stick to your principles. Eleanor Roosevelt The first day of our makeshift clinic in Haiti was long and stressful. As everything that could go wrong, did go wrong, I wondered whether this whole trip was a bad idea. Perhaps my initial medical mission would have been better…
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Finding Our Focus in the Forecast
Folklore plays a vital role in the oral history of every nation and region of the world. It’s typical for old timers to reminisce with their friends about the legendary fish that got away. With each telling, it gets bigger and better. Such is the nature of a tall tale.…
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Tired of Being Tired? Look Up
If 2020 is a marathon then the time span between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is the final sprint. Do the holidays energize you? Or has the stress of this year left you spent and unmotivated? If you answered yes to the second question, you’re not alone. Many people are tired…
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Can We Learn to Live with Risk?
The level of anxiety in my world is exhausting. I love my work, but this is hard. Trying to be a light in desperate times takes a fortitude I’m not sure I possess. Yet, this is the reason I started the ‘Coeurageous’ blog, long before Covid 19. The raised sense…

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Season of Preparation
Autumn in Indiana is a season of preparation. Anyone who has ever experienced a midwestern winter understands the process. Now is the time to change the furnace filter and make sure windows and doors are caulked. When frost threatens, we hustle to harvest any produce left in the garden. Soon…
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Take Up the Sword of the Spirit
It’s been a tough week. There is a spiritual battle raging. Until I fully recognize its presence, I fail to arm myself properly. My foes are not human but are the forces of darkness that invade the mind. Discouragement, hopelessness and complacency knock at the door of my heart. Now…