Category: Spirit

Seeking Out and Sustaining a Healthy Dose of Awe
When was the last time a life experience instilled in you a healthy dose of awe? If you’re like me, either mundane tasks or sensationalized information overload compose most of your day. It’s no surprise we’re left wrung out and weary by the end of the week. We resort to…

How to Find Inspiration When the Spring Runs Dry
I intended to write a blog earlier this week, but it wasn’t happening. A multitude of ideas bounced in my head yet none of them felt right. With every little thing causing a distraction, the flow of my creativity came to a halt. It wasn’t the first time I’ve struggled…

Tell Your Story . . . Then Let the Holy Spirit Do the Rest.
Are you ready to tell your story? I asked myself on our way to church. Trepidation filled my heart. It was Pentecost and we had a guest minister in the pulpit. Since we live just north of Asheville NC, my husband and I had time to attend Sunday services before…
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Hidden Aqueduct: A Source of Life
Behind our farmhouse, a natural spring flows down the mountainside. You might not notice it as it moves through the lush fern gully strewn with moss covered rocks. But this spring provides the water for our home and the surrounding barns. This hidden aqueduct is a source of life for…
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A Kingdom Not of This World
Books are my passion. They always have been. Maybe it’s because my family often read to me as a child. Or perhaps the giant book collection given to me by my Grandma Helen hooked me. Everything from Nancy Drew Mysteries to Little Women enticed me to fall in love with…
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Living Water: Refreshment for the Thirsty Soul
In the US, we have plenty of safe drinking water compared to other countries. Yet most of us walk around mildly dehydrated on a daily basis. I see it often in my practice. Lack of fluids causes symptoms of dizziness, fatigue and constipation. The normal person requires at least 64…
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Treasure Hidden in Earthen Vessels
Have you ever spent an inordinate amount of time searching through your pantry for a container? After digging through various shapes and sizes, you pull out your prize. Only then you discover that none of the lids fit! That perfect container remains hidden or simply doesn’t exist. But our leftovers…
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Drawn Toward the Flames
Who doesn’t enjoy relaxing in front of a fire? Both humans and animals are drawn toward the flames. It’s warmth and everchanging hues hold us captive. When Indian Summer fades and the crisp evenings of late fall begin, we huddle together around campfires once more. Sparks climb high into the…
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Everyday Epiphanies
Revival broke out on the highway this morning. While driving down I-65 into the city, God decided to show up in a mighty way. Beams of sunlight pierced through the cloud covered sky as I headed to Simon Cancer Center. It felt as if He sent a message just for…
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Divine Encounter: Turn Aside from Ordinary
It was just an ordinary day. I doubt Moses expected to see anything unusual out in the wilderness as he herded his father-in-laws sheep. For forty years the scenery and the task never changed. When he resided in Egypt, he lived in opulence as part of Pharaoh’s household. But all…
Burning Hearts
Two friends walked together on a lonely dirt road. The day was hot and dry. Dust filled their sandals as their feet shuffled along. Even so, they didn’t seem to notice this or the fact that sweat poured down their backs. Their thoughts were elsewhere. Usually the seven mile trip…
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Destination Desire: Are We There Yet?
How many times during our journeys have we heard the proverbial question: “Are we there yet?” It’s usually from the kids in the back seat who ask the question about an hour out of the driveway. But sometimes, it’s my “not so willing traveler” husband whining about hassles at the…
Reliable and True
The sun rose again today. Its light penetrates the haze to reflect off the snow covered ground outside my window. Even though the form of this fiery, orange ball hides behind the clouds, I know its still there. Every morning I set my alarm, depending on the sun to ascend…
Taking Thoughts Captive
I awoke at 3:30 am this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. It’s so frustrating when this happens since I typically get up for work at 5 am anyway. Breathing was difficult out of my nose with my allergies and I felt a little like I was suffocating. In…