Category: Responsibility

A Keeper of Bees (And Other Illusions of Grandeur)
I fancy myself as a keeper of bees. On any given sunny day, you may see me in my protective gear with veil heading to the bee yard to care for my hives. Inspecting the frames. Feeding the bees. Treating for mites. Putting on additional boxes. My duties vary depending…

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Remember What Freedom Is Not
It’s easy to get caught up in the traditional festivities surrounding July 4th and miss the true celebration. Don’t’ get me wrong. I love the fireworks, the picnics, and the parades as much as anyone. But it’s always good to step back and ponder the deeper significance of freedom: What…

Every One of Us is An Influencer
Every one of us is an influencer whether we realize it or not. We can’t change the fact that we impact the world around us. But we do have a choice how we exert that influence. With all our words and every action, we make a decision. Will I spread…

Simple Stewardship: A Trust to Keep
In the times we live in, a little simple stewardship goes a long way. We hear a lot about not overusing our resources in the media which is important. But what about reusing what we already have? The sticker shock of inflation has everyone reeling in the check-out line. Instead…

Hidden Treasures in Small Packages
Raising honeybees is a labor of love. Or, let me restate this another, more honest way. Attempting to raise honeybees is an exasperating task. Any beekeeper will tell you this fact. Honeybees are vulnerable to just about anything. If it’s too hot or too cold, too wet or too dry…
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Bearing With Bears and Other Wild Critters
Bearing with bears and other wild critters is all a part of living in the mountains of East Tennessee. With the Cherokee National Forest all around us, encounters with animals are expected. But what I didn’t expect was a bear in my garage. Yes, just a few days ago we…
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Make My Words Count For Good
My husband, Tim is teaching tonight and I’m trying to brainstorm a subject for this week’s blog post. Frequently I choose my content based on what’s happening in my world at the time. But often I struggle deciding on a topic. I pray for guidance. Every once in a while,…