Category: Resilience

Give Me Some Good Old-Fashioned GRIT
GRIT. It’s not a term I see used much anymore. Perhaps it’s out of vogue to say someone has GRIT. But as I watched again the poignant photos of the firefighters and police rushing into the twin towers on 9/11, I couldn’t help but think. These brave men and women…
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Flying Against the Wind
When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. Henry Ford Aviation is an integral part of my life. Some might say I inherited a passion for flying. But in reality, I was exposed at an early age to…
Surviving Within the Swarms of Life
Several years ago, my husband and I made the decision to keep bees. It was more my idea than his but he supported my efforts. If truth be told, he’s still afraid of them. He can’t resist the temptation to swat when they crawl in his hair even though they’re…
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What’s Next This Year?
The year 2020 stands as a test of our resolve…and it isn’t even half over. Between my sister’s cancer, the Covid 19 pandemic, the economic downturn, and now riots in our cities, I can’t help but ask, ‘what’s next this year?’ How am I to respond personally as the world…
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Put on the Full Bee Suit
If you choose to work with bees, you will be stung. It’s inevitable. As a new beekeeper, I understand the risk. Fortunately I’m not allergic so I’m not concerned about occasional pain from stings. But how much protection does a person actually need to manage their hives? Do I really…
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Resilient People: Weathering the Storm
How do we stay resilient within this present storm? Everyday we hear something new with the Covid 19 virus. Fear abounds. Many are struggling with the sheer uncertainty of our times. But resilient people move forward through it. What is their secret? Adjust Your Sails for the Wind The wind…
Strength for the New Year
The beginning of every year is a time for fresh starts. We set out new goals. Some pick one word to focus on while others make New Year Resolutions for change. We dream of losing weight, running a marathon, finding a new job, or perhaps, writing a book. Statistically, the…
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Solid Ground
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Instant access to news from around the world is both a blessing and a curse. If you’re like me, you wonder sometimes what is real or true. The world seems to have suddenly changed into a crazy place with no solid ground to stand upon…or…
Simple Strength: The Power of Resilience
Sometimes coeurage and strength come in the most unexpected places and from the most unassuming people. Two of the most coeurageous individuals that I have ever known were my elderly neighbors, Jo and Dick Beals. They lived through the Great Depression and WWII which I’m sure contributed to their frugality…