Category: Renewal

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Seeking Out My Solitary Place
Our boots crunch in the new fallen snow blanketing the path as we wind our way through the forest. From a nearby bush, a cardinal startles at our presence. With a flash of red and the flurry of wings, he is gone. My husband and I walk in companionable silence…
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Making All Things New
Every spring I celebrate as signs of life break forth through the dead residue of winter. What a joy to spy daffodils and crocus pushing up amongst the dry leaves in my garden. When I focus on what appears lifeless, I can miss these early hints of seasonal change. God…
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Brain Science: The Renewing of Your Mind
Brain science blows my mind! I don’t say this because I’m a doctor and human biology is my passion. But recent advances in this field, have totally changed our concept of what’s possible for our brain. This amazes me. Back when I was in medical school (long, long ago), we…
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Signs of Spring Abound All Around Us
Signs of spring abound all around us. But if you live in Indiana like me, you resist believing it’s here to stay. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cleaned out my flower beds only to have a snowstorm hit the next week. Just when I think it’s time…
Comments Off on Time for Rest and Renewal on Lazy Bee Farm
Time for Rest and Renewal on Lazy Bee Farm
Seasons change and so does life on Lazy Bee Farm. Winter is a time for rest and renewal as animals hibernate and trees lie dormant awaiting the break of spring. All of creation moves in cycles according to ordered rhythms of life. Out here on the farm, we depend on…
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Life on Lazy Bee Farm: A Little Bit of Heaven
So, my husband Tim, thinks I need to lighten up my blog topics a bit. He complains my writing is much too serious. Honestly, it’s difficult to avoid sober-mindedness with all the challenges we’ve experienced this year. But, not everything is dark and gloomy. Life on Lazy Bee Farm remains…
Comments Off on A Walk in the Woods
A Walk in the Woods
While practicing social distancing, my husband and I took a short walk in the woods at MacGregor Park on Sunday. Our spring here in Indiana has been a bit poky but now is in full bloom. I love the opportunity to bask in the sunshine in only a light jacket.…
Comments Off on Selah-A Pause Within the Chaos
Selah-A Pause Within the Chaos
I need a pause within the chaos. In reality, we all could use a break from this present craziness. Most days I feel hopeful and prepared to wait out the quarantine. But then, the next moment a wave of fear and guilt overwhelms my soul. Back and forth my emotions…
Comments Off on Beauty Rises from the Ashes
Beauty Rises from the Ashes
My daughter Rozie recently sent me a picture of a flowering bush growing up through a crack of hardened volcanic rock. She shot this photo on the Big Island of Hawaii. Not so long ago, Kilauea erupted, spewing ash and lava, wiping out everything in its path. But nature is…
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On the Path to Rest and Recovery
Christmas is over. After weeks of preparation, I breathe a sigh of relief. Even though I enjoy all the smiles and laughter of the season, I’m ready for a break. After opening all the presents and consuming rich holiday meals, everyone struggles to return to their own normal routine. We…
When Seasons Change
Change is in the air. Can you feel it coming? Even though the days remain warm, the evening brings with it a slight chill. Across the farm fields, the familiar green begins to turn yellow. At first, it’s barely perceptible, but then the soybeans transition into waves of undulating amber.…
Comments Off on Turn Down the Volume of the World
Turn Down the Volume of the World
Stop just a moment to listen. What do you hear? If you’re like me, your world is full of noise. Cars honk. Cell phones ding. Musac plays in every office and elevator. Most of it we tune out as we go about our day. But our minds are full of…
Comments Off on Gem Within the Junk
Gem Within the Junk
Don’t let garbage subdue Grace For every new beginning, there must also be an ending. Old junk needs to be cleaned out before any fresh creation begins. We all intuitively know this. However, instead of going through the necessary purging process, we often forge ahead amidst the mess. Then we…
Comments Off on Snow Day
Snow Day
Relax, Reflect and Renew. Relish this wonderous gift. Light snow flakes blow in waves across the already brilliant white space between our home and the chicken house. None of the birds have peered out today but I don’t blame them. They huddle together next to their warming light and I…
Comments Off on Finding Sabbath
Finding Sabbath
A gold finch and a hummingbird are both feeding outside my dining room window this morning. I’m glad to be home and relaxing on my mid-week day off from work. I will pull more weeds in the garden later (they are endless) but for now I rest a bit.…