Category: Patience

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A Right Time for Everything Under Heaven
Even though I’m anxious to rototill the garden as soon as warm days arrive, I force myself to wait. Patience is a must this time of year. Tender plants wilted in the frost have taught me a hard lesson. There’s a right time for everything under heaven and gardening in…

Ready, Set . . . Wait: Cultivating the Tender Art of Patience
Spring is here! Maybe. The seasons are fickle in the mountains. One day the temperature is in the 70’s, only for it to plummet down to freezing the next. Last weekend I mowed the lawn and two days later, it snowed. I’m ready. I’m set. But wait. Spring is not…
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Advent: A Time of Waiting and Expectation
Life is full of waiting. Whether standing in line or holding in a phone queue, waiting wears on our nerves. We’re ready to move on to the next phase, thinking somehow it will be better. What if we flipped a time of waiting on its head into a period of…
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When God Says Wait: Pray, Ponder and Prepare
Do you find yourself in a time of waiting not knowing where to turn or what to do? I’m in that place with my writing. After pitching my manuscript to editors, literary agents and publishers, waiting for a positive response is agonizing. Often I wonder, will anyone want to pick…
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Change is on the Way
Winter in the Midwest can be brutal. By this time in the season, those of us living here are in survival mode. We bundle up in layers of clothes, scrape our cars while they warm up and then pray that we don’t slide off the road or flatten a tire…
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The Practice of Patience
The practice of patience has never been one of my virtues. Anyone who knows me would attest to this. Once I decide on a course of action, I barrel on ahead at top speed, slowing only for the next turn. This works well if the map to the destination is…