Category: Joy

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Thankful for the Little Joys in Life
Thanksgiving is a time for counting our blessings. Most years I tend to focus on the large gifts God has bestowed on me. A warm house. Loving relationships with friends and family. Good health. And the means to earn a living. While these are all fine reasons for gratefulness, it’s…

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Taking Joy in Simple Things
I love watching “The Sound of Music.” Of all the wonderful musicals made into movies, it’s my most beloved. I especially enjoy the part when Julie Andrews comforts the Von Trapp children during a thunderstorm by singing, “My Favorite Things.” Even though my voice is a far cry from hers,…

Cultivate a Mindset of Joyful Abundance
As the dog days of summer wane into early fall, my initial enthusiasm for the vegetable garden is beginning to lag. I’ve planted, hoed, weeded, and harvested until I have little energy and no creativity left. Every year it’s the same. I typically end up with a surplus of vegetables–especially…
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Experiencing Joy Within the Sorrow
I feel caught up in a bittersweet sentiment that’s both pleasant and painful. This week we celebrate the arrival of a new member of our family as my niece delivered a beautiful baby boy. But I experience this joy within the sorrow of loss. My sister’s not here to celebrate…
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Embracing My Gardener’s Heart
Gardening is my passion and joy. Yes, I know I’ve spent my adult life practicing medicine. But I love digging in soil cultivating beauty in my own little plot of earth. When we sold our home, I gave up my flower beds and my vegetable garden in mid season. My…
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The Invisible Treasures Hidden in Our Own Hands
Setting goals is a must to achieve success in almost every endeavor. Without some sort of goal, our lives flounder aimlessly. But even the best aspiration can become a stumbling block to real joy if we let it. When we focus intently in one direction, we risk developing tunnel vision,…
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A Message of Hope and Light
Life is all about perspective. The lens through which I see the world determines my focus. If I limit my vision to only human viewpoints then I open myself up to despair. Earthly messages leave me feeling depressed and overwhelmed. But heavenly heralds point to a deeper reality. Beneath this…
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Mindful of the Little Moments
It was a small sign. We would have missed it altogether if we kept hiking along the trail. But my husband and I were ready for a break and the bench looked inviting. As I approached it to sit down, I paused to read the plaque attached to the back.…
It’s Opening Day!
Opening Day is around the corner. All around the ball park, excitement is building. Every child proudly wears their new ball caps and jerseys advertising their team. As predictable as the rain in spring, the month of April harkens in another Little League season. I spent many evenings and week-ends…
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Destination Desire: Are We There Yet?
How many times during our journeys have we heard the proverbial question: “Are we there yet?” It’s usually from the kids in the back seat who ask the question about an hour out of the driveway. But sometimes, it’s my “not so willing traveler” husband whining about hassles at the…
Joy Within the Struggle
There’s nothing like baby animals to get “likes” on Facebook. I posted a video of our new baby chicks earlier this week and had a flurry of activity from friends and family. They are an absolutely adorable addition to our menagerie. Our hens have slowed down their egg laying so…