Category: Gratefulness

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Thankful for the Little Joys in Life
Thanksgiving is a time for counting our blessings. Most years I tend to focus on the large gifts God has bestowed on me. A warm house. Loving relationships with friends and family. Good health. And the means to earn a living. While these are all fine reasons for gratefulness, it’s…
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What Is That in Your Hand?
What is that in your hand? A voice within my dream inquired. Sudden and distinct, the question woke me from my slumber. I peered at my hand, but my palm was empty . . . vacant. At first glance, I held nothing in my hand. All the while, my mind…
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Brain Science: The Renewing of Your Mind
Brain science blows my mind! I don’t say this because I’m a doctor and human biology is my passion. But recent advances in this field, have totally changed our concept of what’s possible for our brain. This amazes me. Back when I was in medical school (long, long ago), we…
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Thank You Coeurageous Followers!
Thank you Coeurageous followers! You’re now one thousand strong. Together we encourage and lift each other up. Always remember, Jesus walks with you through every storm.
Comments Off on Act As If You’re Thankful
Act As If You’re Thankful
The holiday season rushes upon us. Thanksgiving transitions into Christmas, encompassing one of the busiest times of the year. If you’re like me, you’ve cleaned the house and baked the feast but there’s something missing. Physically I’m ready though mentally I feel unprepared. When day to day occurrences appear out…
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“Summer Collapsed into Fall”
Summer is winding down. Fall is upon us. It makes me a little melancholy walking through the gardens at the end of the season. The tomatoes, peppers and herbs will hang on until the first hard frost. But, its sure to come soon. As Oscar Wilde said, “all at once,…
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Thank God for Grandparents
Thank God for grandparents. What a huge role they play in the life of our children. While we celebrate Grandparents day but once a year the weekend after Labor Day, let’s remember their precious value daily. Their support and unconditional love is like silver and gold to their families. During…
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Abundance: A Bountiful Harvest
About this time each year, I deal with a delicious dilemma. Any gardener of vegetables understands. Near the end of summer, at least one variety explodes in productivity. Usually it’s the zucchini doubling in size overnight (really!). For me, 2020 is the year of the cucumber, loads and loads of…
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The Flag Still Flies
It’s a lazy Indiana afternoon. As I sit on my front porch, the flag flutters gently in the breeze while my cat dozes nearby. This week-end we’ll celebrate Independence Day all across America with cook-outs and fireworks. Although the debate over whether to stand or kneel for our national anthem…
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The Secret to Contentment
It’s Black Friday. This infamous day of shopping follows closely on the heels of Thanksgiving. Isn’t it ironic that as a society we celebrate gratefulness one day then materialism the next? We are quick to thank God for what we have but then rush out to buy more. Clearly thankfulness…
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Mindful of the Little Moments
It was a small sign. We would have missed it altogether if we kept hiking along the trail. But my husband and I were ready for a break and the bench looked inviting. As I approached it to sit down, I paused to read the plaque attached to the back.…

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Taste and See
What a beautiful fall morning! I woke early and stepped out on the porch to capture photos of the sunrise. It’s much too cool to be outside in just my pajamas so I didn’t linger long. Today is a fine day to thank God for all that is-not bemoan all…
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Grandpa, Will You Play Your Drum?
I grew up in a world immersed in fantasy and fairy tales. In my grandma Helen’s house sat shelves full of amazing books to stimulate a young girl’s imagination. During every visit, her father, my great-grandpa Thompson, read to my sister and me. Some of my fondest memories of him…

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Take Me Out to the Fair
Take me out to the fair. Lead me past the carnival lights and the scent of cotton candy to the cattle barn. In this place, some of my fondest childhood memories were born. Every August for as long as I can recall, the Indiana State Fair was the place to…