Category: Gifts

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The Best Christmas Gift Ever
What was your best Christmas gift as a child? This is a common ice-breaker question at holiday parties and answers are as varied as Christmas ornaments on a tree. For girls, Barbie dolls are a common favorite with some kind of truck as a special remembrance for the boys. For…
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A Divine Encounter Becomes A Holy Assignment
Moses never expected to encounter a burning bush out in the wilderness. I’m sure the consequences that followed this experience bewildered him even more. It’s unlikely he ever considered returning to Egypt. Only a fool would take such a risk. However, now God asks him to do that very thing.…
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Cherish the Old Ways Through Passing on Life Skills
My morning began in the garage painting the storm windows to replace them before the winter cold returns. We live in an old farmhouse in rural Indiana where sharp winds blow across the open fields. All the windows except these last 4 we replaced with modern, high-efficiency vinyl ones. I…
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Therefore, How Then Should We Live?
My home is a small oasis of respite. I love it here. It’s full of old-fashioned things: old books, antique dishes and angels. There are angels in every room looking down on all who occupy this space. They are symbolic of God’s providence. His grace and care surround me…