Category: Encouragement

Everyone Needs Encouragers in Their Life
Everyone needs encouragers in their life. I know I do. Otherwise, when situations don’t turn out the way I anticipated or the road gets tough, I inevitably fall into negativity. The critical voice in my head replays the same old stories from my past sending me into a tailspin. But…

Coeurageous—Moved by the Heart to Live and Act Fearlessly
Over six years have passed since the inception of my website, Coeurageous. Much has changed since I penned my first blog post. But yet, much has stayed the same. Anxiety levels have soared since the pandemic and haven’t settled down. Fear is at an all-time high. The need for encouragement…

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In a World Full of Discouragement, Be a Barnabas
We live in tough times. Even a casual glance at events in the national and global news leave most of us shaking our heads. Add personal problems with finances or health to these outside forces and it’s easy to lose heart. How do we combat the darkness that threatens to…

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What Dreams Live in Your Imagination?
I’m a dreamer. I always have been since I was a child. As an avid reader, I imagined myself in faraway lands, even traveling to outer space. My cousins and I composed plays from our imaginings which we presented to our parents during our visits together. We built tree houses…
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Surprised By Kindness
When all our best laid plans go awry, I never cease to be surprised by kindness scattered along the way. Earlier this summer, Tim and I promised to help my daughter and her husband move to the farm we purchased in the mountains of Tennessee. The plan was for them…
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Act As If You’re Thankful
The holiday season rushes upon us. Thanksgiving transitions into Christmas, encompassing one of the busiest times of the year. If you’re like me, you’ve cleaned the house and baked the feast but there’s something missing. Physically I’m ready though mentally I feel unprepared. When day to day occurrences appear out…
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Whatever the Outcome: Live with Integrity
The election is over. The candidates you supported may have won or lost. Some shout victory, others mourn, while a few important races remain undecided. However, whatever the outcome of the election, of this I’m sure. God is still on the throne. It may not feel like it, but He…
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Grace Notes: A Melody of Hope
In a world full of difficulty, we all need a little grace. Grace presents itself in various forms. This word represents elegance, virtue and moral strength. Some say ‘grace’ before a meal. Others grace us with their presence. At times, a grace period offers a reprieve before a bill is…
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Choose to ‘Be the Good’ Anyway
On a wall in my sister’s living room hangs a plaque. It reads: Believe there is good in the world. Be the Good. This mantra embodies her life’s message. We may not recognize the good in the world, but we can always choose to be the good anyway. As many…
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Spring is on the Way
Every year during the month of March, I find myself struggling. In Indiana, the last vestiges of winter seem to drag on and on. Though if I look closely, I see signs of change popping up everywhere. While robins search for tasty earthworms, lemon colored daffodils push up through the…
Who Is Your Superhero?
You don’t have to look any further than the movie box office to know that the superhero theme is hot. When people stampede into theatres to get the best seats for the latest film, you know the craze is out of control. But isn’t it human nature to idolize the…
A Little Garden Therapy
The last three months have been rough. I lost a cousin with a brain tumor, then shortly after, found out my sister was diagnosed with a rare type of sarcoma. Her tumor was removed but since the surgery she has dealt with numerous complications. The good news is that she…
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Attitude is Everything
I know that it is cliché to say it, but attitude really is everything. How a person thinks determines the success or failure of a day, a year, or even a life. The good news is that your attitude can change. Even the most ingrained ways of thinking can be…
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Cherish the Old Ways Through Passing on Life Skills
My morning began in the garage painting the storm windows to replace them before the winter cold returns. We live in an old farmhouse in rural Indiana where sharp winds blow across the open fields. All the windows except these last 4 we replaced with modern, high-efficiency vinyl ones. I…
Today I begin a new goal. I’m setting forth on a fresh journey. It started really with a thought that came to me several weeks ago. It occurred to me that everything I do that is of any importance, revolves around the role of being an encourager. Any conversation of…