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A Way in the Wilderness

As I began my journal entry early this morning, I started to write Feb…then caught myself. This month is gone. Good-by February! Hello March with green grass and daffodils popping up. The birds are beginning to sing and get excited for spring. I think I love spring most simply because…
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Joy Within the Struggle

There’s nothing like baby animals to get “likes” on Facebook. I posted a video of our new baby chicks earlier this week and had a flurry of activity from friends and family. They are an absolutely adorable addition to our menagerie. Our hens have slowed down their egg laying so…
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Simple Strength: The Power of Resilience

Sometimes coeurage and strength come in the most unexpected places and from the most unassuming people. Two of the most coeurageous individuals that I have ever known were my elderly neighbors, Jo and Dick Beals.  They lived through the Great Depression and WWII which I’m sure contributed to their frugality…
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Today I begin a new goal. I’m setting forth on a fresh journey. It started really with a thought that came to me several weeks ago. It occurred to me that everything I do that is of any importance, revolves around the role of being an encourager. Any conversation of…
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