A Reflection of His Glory

a reflection of his glory

I’ve heard it said that we Christians should be like the moon in that it doesn’t emit light of its own but reflects the light of the sun. Similar to a face in a mirror—we are not God but a reflection of his glory. What light we carry in us is from God: the divine spark.

When we think we are enlightened by our own knowledge, we deceive ourselves. Who created our mind to think but God? Some would argue this, but it takes more faith to believe we come from nothing, a random occurrence, than to believe in a creator. I choose to believe God created us in his own image.

Yet even an image can become more and more like Jesus—the human manifestation of God. This doesn’t happen in a moment but is a slow process that doesn’t end until we are given our resurrection bodies which are perfect.

Perfection is a process, not a single event.  John Wesley called this holy transformation sanctification. God changes us little by little with his skillful hands. The Master Potter molds and shapes us. Often, it’s painful. 

Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are nothing but clay, but you are the potter who molded us.

Isaiah 64:8 CEV

a reflection of his glory

It’s easy for me in this perfecting process to either think too much of myself or too little. I go back and forth.  God sees me as his daughter, an heir of his kingdom. Not that I earned this title, but it was gifted to me. So, I can’t boast in this accomplishment but use my adoption to be a reflection of his glory to those around me.

Before the world was created, God had Christ choose us to live with him and to be his holy and innocent and loving people. God was kind and decided that Christ would choose us to be God’s own adopted children. God treated us with undeserved grace because of the Son, he dearly loves, and so we should praise God.

Ephesians 1:4-6 CEV

Even so, after sixty-six years, I am far from perfect.  It often seems an unobtainable dream to me. I feel like I take one step forward and then two back. When I’m trying to change myself, it’s often fraught with discouragement. Only God can do it. He is able to transform me through the fire of his love into something beautiful. 

The Lord can do this with each one of us if we will only hand our mess over to him. He will then change us from one glory to the next so that in the end, we will glow as we reflect the brilliance of his Son.

Lord, make me into the person of beauty you envisioned from the beginning of time so I may reflect your glory. I give you everything I own and everything I am. I am yours and you are mine. Do with me as you will. Amen.

*Featured photo and Potter photo courtesy of Canva

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Suzanne Montgomery

Family Physician, Mom, Author, Lover of gardening, hiking and Jesus (not necessarily in that order)

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