If you’ve noticed that I haven’t written lately or posted much on social media, you would be correct. It feels like I’ve fallen off the face of the earth and I’m just beginning to climb back on. Can you relate? The last few months have been particularly tough for me and my family. My normal enthusiasm for the holiday season is lacking. What is a person to do when the Christmas spirit feels elusive? This year I’m making the conscientious decision to celebrate anyway.

Typically, I’m excited for Advent to begin. The music, the lights, the decorations, and gift giving exhilarate me. And I cherish the Christmas story of Jesus coming into the world. It has offered hope to weary souls for the past two millennia. I know this hope remains deep within my being, yet right now it feels far, far away.
Sometimes the pressures of daily living, push away the beliefs we hold true in our hearts and squeeze the joy from our Christmas.
Just when the physical limitations from my broken ankle were improving, Hurricane Helene struck our mountain area. We didn’t suffer personal loss but many of our neighbors continue to reel from its long-term effects. While struggling with how best to help those in need, I had food poisoning followed shortly thereafter by walking pneumonia.
Also, during this period, my elderly parent’s situation worsened dramatically. When my father allowed my mother who has severe Alzheimer’s outdoors after dark without supervision, she fell into the creek behind their home. With cold weather coming, we knew some tough decisions had to be made.

Then Dad became ill and went into the hospital while we were looking into memory care for Mom. Even though we had home care during weekdays, it wasn’t enough. So, I made the trip to Indiana (still recovering from walking pneumonia) to watch after her until arrangements were finalized for long-term care. As of this moment, Mom is safe in memory care and Dad is in rehab. We’re trying to figure out a way for him to return home and maintain some independence given a very difficult living situation.
None of this has been easy. I don’t list this litany of events asking for your pity but to update those friends who know our family and to say life is tough. No matter who you are socially, racially, economically, or culturally, you will suffer loss. It’s inevitable. Whether you live in a first or third world country, you are not immune. Loss takes different forms, but it uniformly leaves a person feeling downtrodden, oppressed, and out of control.
Even given this reality of loss, there is hope and a reason to celebrate anyway.
Remember the first Christmas as described in Luke’s Gospel was far from perfect too. A pregnant, unwed teenage girl was forced to travel with her fiancé to a town far from her family to be counted in a census. She was near term and went into labor with no suitable shelter. Their only option? A stable with farm animals as witnesses to the birth of a king—The King sent by God to save the world from sin.

Hope lay in a feeding trough exposed and vulnerable in a time of great darkness and oppression. Yet the angels, the shepherds, and the baby’s parents chose to celebrate anyway.
Light came into the world through Jesus two thousand years ago and pierced through the darkness. As the suffering servant, He is able to dissipate your darkness too if only you invite Him in. Yes, life is tough but choose His Hope. Choose to celebrate anyway.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:1-5 NIV
So sorry to hear about your parents, Suzanne. I’ll be praying for you and for their recovery and ongoing care.
Thank you!