I love watching “The Sound of Music.” Of all the wonderful musicals made into movies, it’s my most beloved. I especially enjoy the part when Julie Andrews comforts the Von Trapp children during a thunderstorm by singing, “My Favorite Things.” Even though my voice is a far cry from hers, this has been my tune of choice to comfort my grandchildren when they were infants. It worked every time. Whether you’re a small child or adult, taking joy in simple things tends to push away the dark clouds. It allows hints of light into almost any situation.
Recently, I’ve tried to pay closer attention to the little details on my walks. It never ceases to amaze me how I can find something new almost every time I take my short trek down the lane to our neighbor’s house. The same was true on hikes along the country road in front of our home in Indiana. My photo storage is full of the old barn across from our property during different seasons of the year and all the stages of crop growth in the farm fields. The special way the light falls during the “golden hour” before sundown captured my imagination as it set the color of a dry soybean field ablaze.
Ears that hear and eyes that see—the Lord has made them both.
Proverbs 20:12 NIV
When you have eyes to see and ears to hear, the natural world is packed with possibility. The fragrant scent of honeysuckle and the downy fluff of a newborn’s hair bring solace to the anxious heart. And the mouthwatering chill of homemade vanilla ice cream in the summer soothes the soul.
There’s nothing much better than purposefully taking joy in simple things to let go of the worries generated from day-to-day living. But there’s the rub. We must be purposeful. This kind of observation doesn’t come naturally for most of us. First, we must slow the frenzied pace of our lives. Only then we’re able to set our minds away from those things that weigh us down and focus our senses on our immediate surroundings.
I can’t promise that any of this is easy. It’s akin to exercise. You’ll not find any benefit without a plan and the motivation to do it. Thankfully, there isn’t any special equipment needed. You don’t even have to step out your front door, although it’s better if you do.
Taking joy in simple things can happen anywhere and anytime. That’s the beauty of this practice. Start small and work toward adding to your efforts daily. Take stock of all your senses and note which ones you tend to rely on the most. If you typically observe more through sight, then make an effort to utilize touch or smell on your next outing. Chances are you’ll be surprised how much more you’ll notice through this technique. And your joy will multiply exponentially with minimal effort.
If you take care of the small things, the big things take care of themselves. You can gain more control over your life by paying closer attention to the little things.
Emily Dickinson, American Poet