We live in tough times. Even a casual glance at events in the national and global news leave most of us shaking our heads. Add personal problems with finances or health to these outside forces and it’s easy to lose heart. How do we combat the darkness that threatens to invade our souls? There are many potential solutions, but I’ll give you one that has helped me immensely. In a world full of discouragement, be a Barnabas.
Who is Barnabas? The name might sound unfamiliar if you’ve not read Dr. Luke’s account of the early Christian church in the Acts of the Apostles. His given name was Joseph, but his friends nicknamed him Barnabas which means son of encouragement. In the rest of the New Testament, we never hear him referred to by any other name.
News of this reached the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. When he arrived and saw what the grace of God had done, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.
Act 11:22-24 NIV

Barnabas was an early church leader. He donated proceeds from the sale of personal property to help support the growing number of believers. Casting aside fear of persecution, he mentored the Apostle Paul after his dramatic conversion and later brought him to Jerusalem to present him to the other Apostles. Then Paul and Barnabas became the first missionary pair to preach the gospel outside of the Middle East. However, they split paths after an argument involving John Mark, Barnabas’ cousin who had abandoned them during their first missionary trip. Even though Paul and Barnabas took separate roads for a time, we know from later accounts in Paul’s letters that their relationship was eventually mended. So, what can we learn from Barnabas about encouragement and how can that help us today?
Encouragement Through Giving
Sometimes the best way to encourage a person or an organization is to offer a gift. This doesn’t necessarily mean money, but Barnabas did both. By selling a piece of property, he helped to finance the early church. However, he also gave of his time to the cause as one of its most avid evangelists. It’s obvious his influence greatly promoted the growth and well-being of new believers.
Encouragement Through Mentoring

After Paul’s dramatic conversion from a persecutor of the early church to a newfound proponent, most believers didn’t trust him. By reaching out to Paul, Barnabas was able to teach him about the life and ministry of Jesus and then introduce him to others in the faith. The believers accepted Paul because of Barnabas’s testimony. Paul’s writing makes up around half of the New Testament. Would we have any of this scripture without the initiative of his friend, Barnabas?
Encouragement Through Accountability
When Barnabas wanted his cousin John Mark to accompany him on a second missionary journey with Paul, this led to a rift in their relationship. There was no way Paul would agree to traveling again with John Mark after he left them during their first trip. Yet Barnabas didn’t give up on John Mark. The young man may have abandoned them once, but Barnabas saw his potential. He stood by his cousin and helped him develop despite his initial failures. Instead of succumbing to discouragement, John Mark went on to pen the first written account of Jesus’ life in the Gospel of Mark.
History doesn’t record Barnabas as an eloquent speaker or as a talented writer of his time. However, this doesn’t negate the power of his influence. We know he helped the Apostle Paul and John Mark overcome discouragement which threatened to defeat them. Who knows who else benefited from Barnabas’ encouragement during his life on earth? Yet we are benefiting still today through the words of those he encouraged.

When the darkness of this world threatens to crush you, think of the example of Barnabas and take heart. We need sons and daughters of encouragement now more than ever. The best way to overcome discouragement is to offer encouragement to another. As you lift someone else up through giving, mentoring, or accountability, you are lifted up in turn. It’s a crazy thing how this works. Encouragement begets encouragement. Try it and see if I’m right. Who in your sphere of influence needs your encouragement today?
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