Month: March 2024

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Encountering An Easter Morning Surprise
Jesus was dead—or so they thought. Mary Magdalene and the other women had witnessed the horrific act of crucifixion from the foot of the cross. Who could possibly survive a Roman execution? In modern times, we try to downplay its brutality with the gold crosses we wear as jewelry. In…

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In a World Full of Discouragement, Be a Barnabas
We live in tough times. Even a casual glance at events in the national and global news leave most of us shaking our heads. Add personal problems with finances or health to these outside forces and it’s easy to lose heart. How do we combat the darkness that threatens to…

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Lord, Let Me Offer My Breath as a Prayer
The mountain air is clear and crisp this morning. I inhale its freshness, releasing a deep sigh. Oh, how thankful I am to return to Appalachia. Its sheer beauty calms my troubled soul. I offer my breath as a prayer—not knowing exactly what to pray, I allow the Spirit to…