Every one of us is an influencer whether we realize it or not. We can’t change the fact that we impact the world around us. But we do have a choice how we exert that influence. With all our words and every action, we make a decision. Will I spread light to those around me or extend the darkness?

I doubt it’s any surprise when I state that our world is an extremely dark place. Stories of wars, overdose deaths, domestic violence, and human trafficking riddle our news channels. The UN estimates that up to 50 million people are presently held in modern day slavery. Even though virtually every country has abolished slavery, the illegal practice of labor and sex trafficking is a thriving, multimillion-dollar business. Many sources concur that slavery is more common now than it has been at any time in history.
The darkness in our world is spreading.
This makes it even more imperative to recognize that every one of us is an influencer and choose to be a bearer of light. Jesus called his followers to this task in the Sermon on the Mount.
You are the light for the whole world. A city built on top of a hill cannot be hidden, and no one lights a lamp and puts it under a clay pot. Instead, it is placed on a lampstand, where it can give light to everyone in the house. Make your light shine, so others will see the good you do and will praise your Father in heaven.
Matthew 7:14-16 Contemporary English Version

Have you ever noticed how one small candle is able to illuminate a dark room? Or how suffocating the darkness is once a single flashlight is extinguished in an underground cavern? These examples illustrate the importance of even the tiniest lamp. Never underestimate the power of a single soul to change the world.
In her new book, Graceful Influence, Lori Roeleveld brings home this point by contrasting the choices of numerous women in the Bible. She emphasizes the impact made by their decisions and the influence of their actions on their culture—either for good or for bad. Chapters include the impact of courage, preparation, and humility, to name a few. Today’s women will find this book instructive, yet also encouraging. Even seemingly minor characters were influencers in their time.
Our choices matter. Our actions have ripple effects, sometimes
Lori Roeleveld, Graceful Influence.
for generations. We don’t have to be powerful leaders, eloquent
spokespeople, or recognized personalities to leave legacies. The
graceful influence of an ordinary life marked by wise, godly decisions
emits light that diminishes the world’s darkness.

Please don’t downplay your significance. Every one of us is an influencer in one way or another. You have the opportunity to change the world. But you have a choice to make.
Will your decisions bring light to those around you or extend the darkness?
*Featured photo courtesy of Canva
I agree 100 percent, Suzanne. We touch the lives of others each day. Whether it’s a positive interaction (one of grace and light) or a negative one (spreading darkness), it’s up to us. Thank you for this wonderful reminder to share love and light.