It’s chilly in the mountains these last days before Christmas. Yesterday evening I hurried out in the cold to take a bag of trash to the garage. With gift wrapping, we unfortunately make a lot of trash. As I shuffled my feet to avoid slipping on the new crust of snow on our driveway, the glow of the half-moon caught my eye. A still small voice beckoned me. Look up. Behold a great light. All at once, the brilliance of the night sky took my breath away with constellations appearing so close I could imagine touching them.

Silent night, Holy night. All is calm, all is bright.
Like diamonds piercing the darkness, the myriad stars beamed deep within my soul. The peace of the moment warmed my heart even as my frozen hands grasped the cold plastic of the trash bag.
A pause—just a few seconds in time—to recognize the God who gave us this beautiful world filled with wonder and joy mixed with strife. I have a dichotomy of feelings this holiday. Grief over the loss of my father-in-law, an unborn granddaughter, my parents’ failing health. Yet I long for the tenderness of sweet smiles and laughter from the young ones gathered around our tree on Christmas morn.
Oh, the innocence of youth. You don’t know what lies ahead. I so wish I could hold all the grandchildren in my arms to protect them from their unknown future—the heartaches to come. None of us are spared.

I can’t shield them from hurt. Nevertheless, I will instill in them the knowledge that they are loved—by Grandma and the extended family who cherish them—now and forever. Our love never ends in this life nor in the next.
Even more, I will point them to Jesus—an innocent babe himself, born on a silent night to poor parents with no place to rest their heads except a drafty barn. He evaded Herod’s sword as a child only to die on a Roman cross thirty-three years later. His great love of humanity brought Jesus to that moment—His love for you and me. He sacrificed his earthly life to bring our souls safely to Heaven for eternity.
For this present world is not safe. It never has been since the snake first slithered into the garden. Until Christ’s return when He crushes evil once and for all, we must hold on. Hold on to moments of sheer beauty like a wintery night sky and remember. Look up. He is coming soon.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined . . . For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 King James Bible
photos courtesy of Canva