For every ending, there is a new beginning. For each step forward, we must move from where we stand. This letting go is a necessary but difficult part of living. When something good feels hard, there is a sort of grief that takes place. We mourn for what’s been, before we can truly embrace what’s better.
Over this past weekend, the twins moved north with their parents and this grandma is experiencing baby withdrawal. No more joy-filled squeals or hungry cries fill the empty spaces in our home. The silence is profound. Even though my mind knows that their move is a good thing, a part of my heart still grieves. It’s only been a few days, but I miss them already.
However, if I’m honest, this change is best for us all. My daughter and her husband now have a home of their own and my husband and I can truly settle into our farm. With the extra time, I plan to finish the novel I’m writing (only two more chapters!) and visit my grandson in Virginia on a more regular basis.

All the items I’ve set aside on my bucket list, are ready to begin. As soon as spring arrives, I have seeds to plant in my vegetable and flower gardens and bees to tend. My hiking boots are waiting to explore the myriad mountain trails surrounding our home and my husband and I long to discover more places to off-road with our Jeep. The possibilities are endless.
But don’t think for a second that my time with the twins is over. With my monthly trips to Indy to fill in for other doctors on vacation, I will have plenty of opportunity to cuddle and care for them. And, when they’re older, they will come visit grandma on her mountain farm and hopefully love it as much as I do.
According to King Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes, “there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” So, I leave room to mourn that which is past, but also choose to fully embrace what is to come. I may not have the ability at my age to do everything I did in my youth. However, there’s still much to achieve and enjoy.

When something good feels hard, I choose to rejoice. The fact that the Lord sees fit for me to remain here on earth to experience these emotions is a blessing. For most good things in life don’t come easily. They take persistence and passion to achieve and my acceptance when it’s time to move on to something better.
Jesus, when something good feels hard, help me see that for every ending, there is a new beginning. Let me rest in Your promise to work all things out for my ultimate benefit.
We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love Him.
Romans 8:28 NCV

Suzanne Montgomery is a Family Physician, Author, Wife, Mother, and Grandmother. She’s a Lover of Gardening, Hiking, and Jesus (not necessarily in that order). If you have enjoyed this blog post, consider checking out some of her other writing at suzannemontgomery.com, facebook.com/drsuzannemontgomery/, and instagram.com/drsmontgomery/
Loved your pictures–a beautiful reminder of God’s creation. I’m also looking forward to spring and the explosion of rebirth as the days grow in length, trees gain new leaves, and flowers share their glory. My heart aches for you as your twins move further away, but I’m glad you’ll continue to see them often. God always has a plan.
I look forward to spring also. I see signs of it all around me. New opportunities spring up. I just need to grasp hold of them.
Transitions are difficult. But I’m thankful for being a part of the twins first 7 months. We developed a bond that can’t be broken even with distance. I’m going up to Indiana on Sunday and I know they will be as glad to see me as I will be to see them. Their smiles are pure sunshine.