What was your best Christmas gift as a child? This is a common ice-breaker question at holiday parties and answers are as varied as Christmas ornaments on a tree. For girls, Barbie dolls are a common favorite with some kind of truck as a special remembrance for the boys. For me, it was a rocking horse on springs. I recall an old black and white photo of me riding it with a huge smile on my face in front of a Christmas tree laden with tinsel. That gift was a hit for many years.
As we all grow older, our cherished gifts change. My best Christmas gift as an adult came unexpectedly a few days early thirty-four years ago. On December 22, our medical office staff gathered at the Steak and Ale in Indianapolis for our annual Christmas party. I made it through the salad course when my contractions started. My appetite vanished as my only thoughts focused on getting to the hospital on time. The doctor who had delivered my two daughters happened to be in the room. I remember telling him he had time to finish his meal but to meet us at the hospital afterward.
Less than four hours later, our baby arrived three weeks earlier than my due date. A healthy baby boy with a hardy weight of eight pounds three ounces. At that time, hospitals kept women for three days after delivery so that meant we would go home on Christmas morning.
The nurses had taken the baby in the night for me to get some restful sleep. Early on Christmas morning, I put on my robe and slippers then padded my way to the nursery. To my surprise, the nurses had swaddled all the babies in huge Christmas stockings and each wore a red Santa hat. They had been incredibly busy overnight dressing these little bundles of joy for their mamas.

Certainly, my son was the best Christmas gift that year and for many years to come. It’s difficult to believe that he’s now an airline pilot, flying most holidays and his birthday. With his birthday falling next to Christmas, we often lumped the celebrations together. I tried to separate them the best I could when he was little, but admittedly it was difficult. Christmas babies are unfortunately cheated out of real birthdays much of the time.
While I love receiving gifts myself, the ones I value the most at Christmas can’t be packaged under a tree. Although, my new twin grandchildren look incredibly cute as they lay there gazing up at the lights (and we have a new Christmas grandbaby due to arrive any day).
By far, the best Christmas gifts are always people. I cherish my family and friends gathered together to celebrate the birth of the newborn King. Emmanuel. God with us.
Jesus came down from heaven that first Christmas as a human to save us for eternity. Even though I’m dazzled by the tinsel and lights, Jesus is the best Christmas gift ever.
The Word became a human being and lived here with us. We saw his true glory, the glory of the only Son of the Father. From him the complete gifts of undeserved grace and truth have come down to us.
John 1:14 CEV