My life is full of distractions. If it’s not social media grabbing my attention, I’m ruminating about the rising price of gasoline or the dismal performance of the stock market. Each one of us is bombarded on a daily basis with an overwhelming load of negative information. No wonder the rate of anxiety and depression is skyrocketing. But, if I choose instead to fix my focus on the future within my reach, my whole attitude changes.
If you need this kind of attitude adjustment, just take twins to the hair salon or election polls. I’ve done both this past week and was not disappointed by the result. The mood in the room changed from anxious to joy-filled immediately upon the babies entering the area. Even with all the divisiveness in our country, children offer us connection and confidence for our future. Although, it’s often difficult to convince people of this fact.

Not that long ago, my son expressed his concern about bringing children into a world rampant with evil. Wars, violent crimes, and sex trafficking are everyday headlines. But how do we as individuals combat these forces that threaten to devour us if not by offering our little bit of good?
When we choose to raise our children to be responsible, caring leaders who fight for what is right, we pass on hope within this present darkness.
In honesty, the world has never been a safe place to live. When in history, have people experienced total peace or freedom from disease? Have we ever known of a time when parents didn’t fear for the well-being of their children? Certainly, we have had gains in healthcare so that the average life expectancy is far greater than in generations past. However, man has also created new hazards to civilization such as nuclear weapons that threaten to destroy us.
The earth is a battlefield and children are the reinforcements parents train to fight against the advancement of evil.

Never feel sorry for raising dragon-slayers in a time when there are actual dragons.
Bryan Davis from Raising Dragons (Dragons in Our Midst #1)
Some may say my words are overly dramatic, but I don’t believe this is true. The role of parents and grandparents in this age is extremely important. We are in a position to mold the next generation to become wise, discerners of truth in a world full of deception. However, if we allow distractions to veer us from our charge, negative rhetoric will deter us.
My children are all now adults and I’m proud to say that each one, in their own way, is standing for what is right and true. My role has shifted to support them as they raise my grandchildren. I must fix my focus on the future of these little ones, loving them with all my heart, and passing on tidbits of wisdom to this next generation of fledgling dragon-slayers.