Every spring I celebrate as signs of life break forth through the dead residue of winter. What a joy to spy daffodils and crocus pushing up amongst the dry leaves in my garden. When I focus on what appears lifeless, I can miss these early hints of seasonal change. God is truly making all things new everywhere around me if only I have eyes to see its subtle signs.
I’ll never forget when my Liberian friend, Shadrach first arrived in the US. He was unaccustomed to our annual cycle of weather since in West Africa they only have a dry and a wet season. When the temperatures started dropping in September, he began wearing the down coat we’d given him. I tried to clue him in that the cold of winter was still to come. But he didn’t get it. As all the leaves fell off the trees and subzero temps hit us, he asked an anxious question.
“Is everything dead?”

I had to laugh but I understood his trepidation. Winter was a new experience for him. How much more do I wonder if everything is dead when I’m experiencing winter in my life? When the world keeps sending situations that press me down, it’s easy to allow the doldrums to set in. Everything around and within me feels lifeless . . . dead.
In moments of darkness, I find myself grieving that which I have lost: a difficult relationship, the death of a loved one, a missed opportunity. Yet in a still, small voice, Jesus speaks into the emptiness.
“But look what you’ve gained. Don’t you see it. I’m making all things new.”

Like fresh buds popping out on bare limbs and flowers pushing up through dry leaves, new birth is everywhere. Even so, I must shake off the scales from my eyes to see it. How could I not celebrate the laugh of a grandchild, spectacular mountain vistas to climb, and a dedicated mentor to coach me in my writing? All this and twins on the way this summer, bring fresh life to my heart as I anticipate every blessing to come.
Will winter send its chill upon me again? Probably so. Life continues to cycle like the seasons. Trials come and trials go. But when troubles challenge me, I depend on Jesus to give me the courage to overcome. He’s walking with me through every struggle, giving me His strength when I am weak, and in the fullness of time, He’s making all things new.

“Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”
Revelation 21:3-5 ESV