Many years ago, my family decided to take a vacation to Cozumel. Our favorite pastime while there, was snorkeling. My three children were young, but they were all strong swimmers. So, we spent some part of each day with goggles and fins viewing the colorful fish and coral life. We each attempted to reach the statue of Jesus under the water not far from the shore. I was the only one who couldn’t swim deep enough to touch it. How disappointing!
One day, my oldest daughter and I were enjoying the underwater beauty and weren’t paying attention to our location. While we were playing, the current was carrying us further and further away. By the time we realized what was happening, we were far from the beach, pulled by the strong flow of the ocean. What were we to do?
At first, we tried to call for help but others were too far away to hear our cries. My heart raced while I assessed our dilemma. The urge to panic was overwhelming but my brain kicked in and tamped the anxiety down. Think…what did I learn way back in training to be a lifeguard? Yes, I remembered. Swim at an angle toward shore to get out of the current.

So, fixing our eyes on the beach, we swam at forty-five degrees making our way back to shore. When we finally arrived, we were exhausted. The current had carried us a good half mile down the beach and the rest of our family was out of sight. Needless to say, we cherished the solid ground beneath our feet that day.
Like my daughter and I, there are times in life when we all desperately yearn for something stable to stand on. Can you relate? Have you felt as if life is sweeping you out to sea without a life vest and there’s nothing you can do save yourself? In a constantly changing world, we must grasp onto the permanent. Cling to what’s constant as an anchor for our soul.
Sometimes our lives are adrift, and we don’t even know it until we’re far from home.
Perhaps unhealthy habits have taken control and sent us on a path we never planned. Or, our negative attitude and sarcastic words drag us down along with everyone else around us. Even though, we need to get ourselves out of the divisive current of our present culture, we don’t know how.
Just turn around.
Angle back to solid ground and unchanging stability. Someone’s there to help you on your way. You don’t have to struggle to make it to the shore. Jesus will carry you to safety. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. Cling to what’s constant. Jesus is the anchor for your soul.
For Jesus doesn’t change-yesterday, today, tomorrow, he’s always totally himself.
Don’t be lured away from him by the latest speculations about him. The grace of Christ is the only good ground for life.
Hebrews 13:8-9 Message Bible