Our 24/7 news cycle exposes us to a constant barrage of images depicting horrific events around the globe. In real time, we’re front row witnesses to unbelievable destruction caused by nature and mankind. This information overload contributes to skyrocketing anxiety. However, if we ingest too much over a long period of time, we risk becoming numb. We forget the power of our connectedness, our shared humanity.
The images over the past week in Ukraine, pull at my heart. You see, my daughter-in-law is Ukrainian. Although most of her family live in the US, her grandmother remains in country. I lift up my prayers for this precious woman and all those living through this travesty. Even though I have never met her personally, I share a grandson with her. Our mutual role as grandma connects us through Maksim, this wonderous boy who carries on our legacy.
In reality, our connections are closer than we realize. In 1929, Frigyes Karinthy proposed the theory that every person is associated with everyone else on the planet by six degrees of separation. But with our present social media network, we’re likely connected to millions of people by only 2 to 3 levels of separation through friends of our friends. This is truly amazing.
The power of our connectedness is readily apparent in the rapid dissemination of information coming out of Ukraine. But long before we ever conceived of the internet, invisible links existed through the power of the Holy Spirit. Even now, prayer links believers around the world as we lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ living in Ukraine. Stories of miracles abound in this war-torn country.
So, let us not grow weary or complacent when we hear of disasters around the world. The power of our connectedness in Christ is real. We may not know the people for whom we pray, but God does. He works for their good behind the scenes, transmitting heartfelt love and care from one believer to another.
As a prisoner for the Lord, then I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:1-3 NIV