Living light makes sense everyday. Never forget, the world as we know it is not permanent but only our temporary home.

Over the summer, an opportunity arose to sell our house and purchase a farm in the mountains. But I wasn’t ready to leave my job in Indiana just yet. So, now Tim and I are living in a tiny house near my parents. Within a two month period of time, our living space shrunk to a quarter of the size of our previous home. This move required a ton of adjustments and caused more than a little irritability.
Squeezing our possessions into a space about the size of a studio apartment was a challenge. I sorted through an overabundance of everything from Grandma’s heirlooms to my adult children’s toys. How did I accumulate so much stuff? After numerous trips to Goodwill and transporting the excess to storage in Tennessee, we’ve pared down to only what we need in our tiny house. Here’s what I’ve learned so far from this experience.
Everything is a gift but very little is necessary
God has blessed us with abundance but much of what we hold dear is unnecessary. When space is scarce, it’s important to hone down possessions to only the basics. I kept what we needed in our little abode to function in our daily routine. Nothing more.
Simple is good but organized is better
Keeping small spaces simple and well organized is a must. I’ve invested my energy into mounting adhesive hooks on the doors and walls as well as placing extra shelves in cabinets. The OCD part of my personality gets excited over items neatly organized and easy to find.

Clenched hands don’t belong to open hearts
It takes practice to learn how to let go. Sometimes we must be forced to do it. Know when to let go and what to let go. Keep your heart and your hands open to care for those in need.
Flexibility is more valuable than gold
A good friend of mine often says, ” Blessed are the flexible for they will not be bent out of shape.” This is true in many situations but especially in small living quarters. Patience and grace are needed in plentiful supply to keep relationships from falling apart when we’re falling over each other.
This world is temporary but Heaven is eternal
Living light makes sense every day. Never forget, the world as we know it is not permanent but only our temporary home. Our time on earth is akin to living small. In heaven, life is large. Don’t get too comfortable here. We have no idea what bounty that lies ahead.
By faith, he (Abraham)lived as a foreigner in the country God had promised him. He lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who received the same promise from God. For Abraham was waiting for the city which God has designed and built, the city with permanent foundations.
Hebrews 11:9-10 GNT